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2k Reads this is astounding I can't believe people actually like my book <3 I'm on Christmas break now! Finals are over and I have faster internet so I'll try to update as much as I can!

Do you guys want the sexuals or not xD if no one comments about it you don't get them. K

By the way this is going to be a short chapter, I need thinking time haha but I have a general idea of what will happen next chapter. 😋

Your POV:

I laid there, in the guest bedroom, unable to sleep. I reached to the side to grab my phone but it wasn't there. "Oh no!" I whispered sitting up. I searched frantically for a moment but then remembered the events of earlier tonight. This made everything worse. Now i couldn't see Mark or text him. Tears started to roll down my face again but I quickly shook them off. I wanted to know the time so I stood up quietly out of bed and made my way out of the room. Once I got downstairs I looked at the oven. "1:48" I mumbled rubbing my eyes. I was about to step in the line of view of the door when I heard a soft knock. Out of fear, I jumped backwards and hid behind a a wall. "Who would be here at midnight?" I thought out loud. My heart was racing and fear struck through me. What if it was my dad or the police? The thought of that being my father made my heart race quicken even more than it already was. I closed my eyes and hoped to god it wasn't him, but remembered how soft the knock was. It was as if the person didn't want to wake anyone up. Then it hit me. Mark was going to bring my backpack over later tonight. That might be Mark! I ran as quickly as I could to the door and swung it open, but as soon as it was open I could see whoever was here had left. I glanced down to see Mark left my backpack here for me.
"I... I missed him...."
I picked up my backpack and brought it back upstairs to the guest bedroom. I started looking through my backpack in search of my razors but I couldn't find them. "What the... Where are they...?" Mark took them didn't he. I stared to cry for the millionth time today. Of course he found them. Of course he took them from me. I had nothing left to do or think about anymore, so I laid down in the bed. It seemed so empty, so I grabbed a pillow and snuggled it. I used all of my mental strength to imagine that pillow was Mark. Obviously it was quite challenging to do, as Mark's chest isn't a soft pillow and it didn't have his smell at all, but just imagining that he might be next to me gave me enough hope to finally fall asleep. For all I know I might wake up next to him.

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