Whatever It Takes

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I grunt at the noise of my phone ringing on the locker beside my bed, disturbing my sleep. I rub my sleepy eyes as I pick up the phone and answer without looking at the caller ID.

    "Hello?" I mumble.

    "Good morning to you too!" Ian's overly cheerful voice chirps down the phone.

    "Ugh" I groan and hold the phone from my head to see the time. "Ian it's ten past seven in the morning, what the hell are you calling me so early for?" I grumble.

    "You know the way you're like my best friend in the whole world and you know how much I love you.."

    "Oh no, what are you looking for?" I sigh, my head falling back onto my pillow.

    "I just need you to do me one litte favour!" He speaks in a pleading voice.

    "Ian" I growl.

    "Come on, I haven't asked for a favour in ages and if you do it I'll work all next weekend for you. That's two weekends off in a row and we both know that doesn't happen very often does it?"

Two weekends off in a row sounds like bliss, especially to me these days, with how busy the salon is.

    "Fine, what do you want?"

    "I need you to do my mam's hair for today"

    "Seriously?" I sigh. "That means I have to get out of the bed like now"

    "But you won't have to move out of it all next weekend" Ian entices.

    "You're lucky I love you"

    "You're the best. I'll text you the address" He chirps and blows kisses down the phone at me before the line goes dead.

I lay for a moment, gazing up at the bedroom ceiling, contemplating whether I made a wise decision or not.

I haven't seen Anne or any of Ian's family since Ethan's almost wedding over two years ago.
Ian only really speaks about them after visiting them, which is more often than it used to be; and I simultaneously love and hate hearing about them; because for a year and a half, while traveling from country to country and meeting new people, I'd often think of that day and all of them. I tried so hard to push the memories of that day to the back of my mind but it seemed that no matter how much I loved seeing the world, no matter how far I went or even how many people I met, I'd never have what Ian has. A family that truly loves each other.

So with the rest of my savings, I cut my travels short, came home and opened my own hair salon; which I now live above in a cute little studio apartment. It's nothing spectacular but I like it.

Of course Ian was the first to come work for me, quitting his job instantly; then Marie and honestly I don't think the place would be doing as well as it is if I didn't have those two, especially Ian who practically lived here with me for weeks trying to paint, equip and get it all set up; which is why I made him assistant manager.

Surprisingly some of the first customers I got were the 'grumpy' customers from the salon I used to work in, the ones only I could get along with and I must have done something right because they keep coming back and bringing friends or family.

The phone in my hand beeps, bringing me out of my daze.

Ian sent a text message with the house address and a gif of Tweety-bird blowing a kiss.

He really is lucky I love him, making me get out of bed early on a Friday to do his Mam's hair for Martin and Judith's wedding.

And I know what you're thinking but no I didn't get an invite. Not that I even expected them to remember me but Ian isn't much gor gossip or telling others business which I love a our him because I hate people knowing my business unless I tell them; thst being said, the odds are that Ian's family probably don't even know I'm back in the first place.

Falling out of the bed I saunter to my wardrobe and throw on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white vest top, white Converse trainers and a black hoodie. I pull a brush through my now blue black asymmetrical bobbed hair and grab my car keys and purse on the way out.

    "Hey Marie" I greet as she unlocks the salon at the same time I emerge from my apartment.

    "Well you're up early. I thought uou weren't in til later"

    "I've to go do Ian a favour"

    "Uh oh" She winces, knowing exactly how some of Ian's favours can be.

    "It's not too bad this time actually, I just have to go do his Mam's hair and then I'll be back"

    "Ah that's alright. Have fun" She chirps, entering the salon to set up for the day ahead.

I wave as I head towards my car. If only she knew how nervous I really am. Of course she knows all about Ethan's almost wedding day but what neither her or Ian know about is the impact Ian's family had on me or the feelings I developed from that day.

I start the car and take a deep breath, calming myself as I  silently hope and pray that Anne is the only one in the house, even though I subconsciously know that won't be the case; But hey I gotta tell myself whatever it takes to get me there, right?

The Wedding GuestOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora