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    "Now ladies and gentlemen, the bride and groom will share their first dance as Mr and Mrs Gibbons" The singer announces and quickly guest surround the dance floor, cameras at the ready, eager to see the happy couples first dance.

I stand without my phone or camera and just gaze as the newlyweds sway to the song that obviously has a significant meaning to them. I don't recognise it but the lyrics are heart-warming.

After a few minutes, they are joined by the wedding party.

Immediately I'm drawn to Ethan; He's dancing with a dainty, brunette. He looks so happy as he dances and talks with her, occasionally commenting to his brothers; And then his gaze momentarily lands on me and he winks sending the butterflies in my stomach wild again.

    "This next dance is for all the fathers and daughters" Another band announces before the singer starts another song.

    "She looks gorgeous doesn't she?" Anne says, appearing next to me with Frank.

I nod my head. My gaze fixed on Judith and her father.

    "Bet you can't wait for your father-daughter dance someday" Frank grins.

I shake my head faintly. "I don't have any family" I say blatantly, not wanting to dampen the mood or have either of them feeling sorry for me.

    "Well in that case, let's go" Frank says chirpily and takes my hand, dragging me onto the dance floor, where other fathers and daughters have gathered.

    "What are you doing?" I giggle nervously at Frank.

Frank stops in the middleof the crowd and turns to face me.

Not wanting to attract attention, I dance with Frank; although I'm sure people are already watching as the groom's father, who has no daughters, dances with a strange girl.

    "Why are you doing this?" I ask coyly.

    "I meant what I said earlier, you had a lasting impression on my family. You may not have your own family Nikki but mine will happily accept you as theirs and if you need a father, I will gladly take that role"

Touched by his kind words, tears begin streaming down my cheeks.

    "Thanks Frank" I sniffle, wrapping my arms around him.

    "I mean it Nikki. No matter what you need, you let us know" He says genuinely as he hugs me back. "Now show us that lovely smile" Frank smiles down at me and wipes the tears from my face.

I force a horrid smile and he laughs.

Then his attention goes to something behind me and he smiles, nodding his head faintly. Curiosity gets the best of me and I turn to find Ethan stood behind me.

Wait, the song is different. When did the last one end?

    "Can I have this dance?" He asks, his smile widening at me.

I look back to Frank and smile. "Thanks for the dance"

    "Any time" He chimes and kisses the back of my hand before strolling back to Anne.

Ethan steps into his place and I can't help but smile at him. We sway to the music but I'm not even paying attention to it. I'm too distracted by the greenish brown eyes gazing at me.

    "Everything okay?" He asks, pulling me from my daze.

No doubt my eyes are somewhat red so it's undeniable that I'd been crying.

I nod my head. "I swear I'm not used to the emotions your family stir within me"

    "You alright though?" He asks with genuine concern.

I nod again. "You're dad said that.. that basically if I ever needed a father, he'd take the role and I.." I croak, finding it difficult to even say it aloud without getting emotional. I rest my head against Ethan's chest and he squeezes my hand reassuringly. "..I've never had people treat me as nice as your family do" I confess.

    "My dad doesn't say anything he doesn't mean" Ethan speaks gently, lifting my chin with his finger so I face him.

My gaze locks on his and his hand gently cups my face. Every ounce of me wants to kiss him but I can't just act spontaneously. I don't want to ruin whatever relationship I have with this family or him.

    "Excuse me" I croak before scurrying away from him, towards to bathroom.

    "Hey, you okay?" Daniel asks falling in step with me before I can even escape the function room.

I keep walking with him in tow until I'm out of that room and the heavy doors close behind me. 
Up the long corridor I find a sofa and sit down, cradling my head in my hands.

I don't do anything. I don't cry. I don't even speak. I just stand there for the longest time, until Daniel joins me.

    "Okay, what's going on in that head of yours?" He asks, pulling me from my daze.

    "Ian's family" I murmur without looking at him. "I don't know how or even why but the entire family are anazing. They have been from the first moment I met them. They make me feel welcome. They make me want a family of my own" I confess, tears welling up in my eyes. "And I think I really really like Ethan" I blurt.

    "Woah" he exclaims, momentarily stunned by my confession. "Wait did you and he..?" He speculates.

I shake my head. "No, I think.. well.. it's just me I think. I don't know how he feels but I.. I just have these feelings and.. you know what, forget I said anything. I'm just being ridiculous" I conclude and scurry away, ignoring his calls after me.

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