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As guests find seats near people they prefer and make themselves comfortable in their new surroundings, while also glancing at Ethan and giving him sorrowful looks; I notice Anne at the stage informing the band about what happened. One girl with pink streaks in her hair takes out a laptop and starts fidgeting with it. Probably making note of the first dance songs and any special requests by the bride, which are now to be avoided.

    "I'll be right back" I excuse myself from our table and make my way up to Anne and the band. "Hey, everything okay?"

    "Yeah, they're just making sure not to play certain songs" Anne informs me.

I nod understandably. "Do you mind if I say a few words first? Maybe get Glen or one of the guys to say something too? Just a little pick me up for Ethan"

    "If you think it'll work then work away sweetheart"

    "Thanks" I chime and skip away to retrieve Glen from the bar.

    "Hey what's up?" He asks when I appear next to him.

    "Wanna help me out with something?"

    "Should I even ask?" He turns to face me and raises an inquisitive eyebrow.

    "I want you to make a speech. Not your best man one but a fun one about yours and Ethan's friendship. Something to lighten his mood and cut the tension in this room"

    "I'm in. Let's go" Glen agrees instantly and follows me to the stage.

Taking the mic from the band, I awkwardly make my way to center stage, already attracting people's attention.

    "Ehm, Hi everyone. My name's Nikki. Nobody here knows me, well except my best friend Ian" I wave stupidly at him making the crowd laugh, "And a lovely new friend that I made today; you all know him as Ethan. Hey buddy" I wave and point at Ethan who's looking concerned as to where this speech is going and honestly I have no idea myself,  so I really don't blame him. "I only know this lovely chap a few hours and can already tell yas that he's caring, funny and a real gentleman" I watch as people nod in agreement, "I'm certain you all know him in your own ways but I don't think anyone knows him better than his life-long best friend and partner in crime.." I grin at Ethan who's already shaking his head "so I've arranged for a few stories from the main man himself, Glen" I introduce as he joins me on the stage.

I hand the mic over to Glen and step aside as he effortlessly breaks the tension and begins telling stories of him and Ethan growing up and some of the mischief they got up to, adding an apology in for Frank and Anne as they discover stuff they didn't know about or probably shouldn't.

The room of people laugh and cheer on cue and the atmosphere quickly changes in the room, as does Ethan's face. The glum face that had become irritated by everyone's sympathetic looks was now happy, laughing heartily at his best friend's speech. It may only be for a few minutes until the reality of today comes rushing back to him but for these few minutes I can smile knowing I had a hand in making this day a little better for him.

As if sensing my gaze upon him, Ethan looks at me. Our eyes lock and he smiles genuinely at me, causing a fluttering sensation in my stomach.

I smile timidly back and give him a faint nod.

    "So know that no matter what trouble you get into, I'll always be right there beside ya pal" Glen concludes and there is a huge cheer from everyone in the room.

Glen exits the stage, passing me back the mic and giving me a cheery smile.

    "If I do say so myself, you struck gold with a friend like him" I titter through the mic, grasping the crowds attention again. "So before I shut up and get out of the way, and whether you were here for the intended bride or groom, I'd like you all to raise a glass to Ethan" I ask and everyone raises their drinks in the air. I look through the crowd at him, locking eyes with him. "to your lucky escape" I smirk, "Enjoy every minute of your single life and some day, when the time is right, you'll find a girl who'll love every bit of you and won't want to live a day of her life without you" I higher my pint glass. "chun sláinte agus fíor-ghrá" (to health and true love) I smile at him and take a drink.

    "Sláinte" The majority of the crowd cheer in response and clap.

Thanking the band, I hand them back the mic and request a song before stepping off the stage.

I place my drink on the table next to Ethan's as the song begins.

    "Let's go" I instruct, taking Ethan's hand and tug at him to get him out of his seat.

He stares at our hands for a moment before looking up to my face.

    "Where?" He asks but I don't reply I just tug his arm again and to my surprise he stands.

I lead the way through the scattered table and chairs to the empty dance floor.

    "Seriously?" He questions nervously and I turn to face him, a smile plastered to my face. Mostly because the feel of his hand in mine gives me a giddy feeling but also because it's finally dancing time.

    "Don't leave me hanging now" I laugh and start dancing as he stands embarrassed. "I'm just setting ya up for a great single life, now show me your best dance moves"

    "You owe me a drink after this" He laughs and begins dancing with me, quite well might I add.

    "Owe ya? I already gave ya half my stash of cans" I tease, sticking my tongue out playfully at him.

    "I suppose I could let it slide this time" He chuckles.

    "Finally" Rose chimes, joining us on the dance floor with Glen, "I thought we'd never get to dance" She giggles.

I swear the more time I spend with these people the more I like them.

    "Nikki Olsen, I know you did not start dancing without me" Ian pouts, joining us on the dance floor with Daniel.

    "Me? Never" I smirk, putting an arm around his waist.

Ian pulls me close and kisses the top of my head. "Thanks for being here today and for being you" He whispers to me and I squeeze him tighter.

I may only know Ian a few years but I know I'm lucky to have met him.

Soon, we are joined by his brothers, Judith, Claire and eventually more guests until the dance floor is full of nothing but happy people dancing and laughing.

That bitch should definitely regret walking away from this wedding, all these amazing people and especially Ethan.

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