Expensive dumping

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Escaping the commotion going on, I return upstairs to my room.

As much as I love a bit of drama, this is too much; especially for a wedding. The bride is off somewhere with the strange guy, the parents are being kept apart to avoid an argument, the bridesmaids don't know what to be doing so are making their way through the bottles of champagne, guests are all sat around drinking while awkwardly waiting to see how things unfold and nobody knows where the groom has gone, so the groomsmen are trying to locate him.

I step out onto the second floor balcony and take in a deep breath while momentarily surprised the trust this hotel has in their guests. My attention soon turns to the large lake beside the hotel and I stand admiring its beauty as the sun bounces off it. It's such a lovely day for a wedding, pity the bride's a runaway.

Hearing a commotion below me, I look down to see the bride in her puffy white dress emerging from the hotel, arguing with the man in the jeans. She pushes him away from her. He says something to her and suddenly she pounces at him and kisses him.

    "What a bitch" I exclaim aloud.

    "You can say that again"A timid voice resonds.

    "Shit" I jump in fright, my hand flies up to clutch my chest. I wasn't expecting anybody to reply.

    "Sorry" The same voice says deadpan and I look to the balcony next to mine to see Ethan stood there watching the same scene I just did.

Uh oh.

I look back down as the bride gazes up at Ethan. She gives him a sorrowfully look before getting into a navy car and just like that she's gone.

    "She's going to regret this, you know that right?" I say trying to make him feel better. Unsure what else to say.

    "I doubt it but thanks" Ethan sits down on a chair, his head hangs as he rubs his forehead. "I feel like such a twat, I should have seen it coming"

    "I can't imagine how"

   "They grew up together. They're were best friends until they drunkenly got married in Vegas once, before I met her though" He admits. "Then they didn't speak for years and then suddenly they were back in contact and he was recieving an invite to our wedding"


    "Yeah it's like some cliché movie shit right?" I wince and nod honestly. "See, I should have known it was inevitable" Ethan leans back in the chair.

    "Maybe, but I'm sure there's someone better out there for you" I say in an upbeat tone trying to lighten the mood.

Before Ethan can reply there's a hard knocking on his room's door, momentarily surprising both of us.

    "Ethan, I know you're in there? open up" Martin says sternly, knocking again.

    "She's gone man" Glen informs him placidly, through the door.

    "I KNOW" Ethan shouts. "JUST GIVE ME A WHILE" He runs his two hands through his dark brown hair, messing up the hair gel holding it in place. "sorry for shouting" He looks at me apologetically, a strand of hair falling into his forehead.

    "No need to apologise, If I were in your shoes I'd be yelling and screaming at everyone" I smirk. "Hell I'd probably be out burning shit down"

Ethan titters at my ridiculous honesty. "I'm sorry what was your name again?"

    "Nikki. I'm Ian's date" I remind him.

    "You know my brother's gay right?" Ethan says so bluntly I can't help but laugh.

    "Yeah" I nod my head. "I thought his family didn't know though?"

    "Oh we know; but I'm pretty sure my parents won't believe it until they hear it from him though"

    "Well his boyfriend will be here later so they'll hear it fairly soon"

There's more knocking on his door, interrupting us once again. "Ethan, darling, are you okay?" his mother asks worriedly.

Speaking of parents.

    "I'M OK MA, JUST GIVE ME A WHILE PLEASE" He shouts. "sorry" He turns back to me and apologises again.

    "Okay son. If you need us, just call" Frank tells him calmly.

I imagine Frank then has to drag Anne from Ethan's door.

    "They're all just concerned about you" I tell him.

    "I know but right now I'd love to just get drunk and forget it's my wedding or that this day ever even happened"

    "That can be arranged" I grin mischievously and skip into my hotel room. "Here" I say, returning with an eight pack of beer and hold them out for Ethan to take onto his balcony.

Ethan just looks at me for a moment before taking the beer and placing them on the ground next to his chair.

    "Holy shit, spider woman" He exclaims, when he turns back to find I've removed my shoes and am now climbing the short distance from one balcony to another with my room key grasped tightly between my teeth. "Are you crazy?" He asks, when both my feet are firmly on the ground of his balcony.

    "Possibly. I've never been tested" I chuckle and smile broadly at him.

Ethan points to the chair offering it to me but I shake my head declining it and sit on the carpeted floor of his room with my legs stretched out on the balcony.

    "You brought your own beer to the hotel?" He questions as I open the pack of cans, handing one up to him.

    "What? Weddings are expensive"

    "You're telling me! This is the most expensive dumping I've ever endured" Ethan says and we both start laughing.

We each pop open a beer can and tip the cans together. "Slainte" I exclaim before we both take a swig.

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