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It's not long before I'm back in the hair salon and as I enter, Marie is seeing her customer off.

   "What happened your face?" Marie questions, her eyebrows knitting confusion at me.

   "What? what's wrong with it?" I ask panicked and rush to a nearby mirror, inspecting my face but I can't see anything.

   "Oh it's gone now" She pouts dramatically.

   "What are you on about?" I ask puzzled.

   "The big stupid smile you had on your face when you walked in. I didn't think you were capable of smiling that big"

Sighing, I roll my eyes and shake my head dismissively.

   "Don't you have someone's hair to do or something?"

   "No, my next customer isn't for another half an hour so I'm on a break"

   "Am I paying you for this break"

   "Doesn't matter. You're deflecting, so come on, spill"

   "I don't know what you're talking about" I dismiss, heading to the back room.

   "So it doesn't have anything to do with being around Ian's brothers, does it?" She chirps giddily, following me through the salon.

I say nothing. I just keep walking.

   "Oh my god. It does!" She claps her hands giddily. "Oh shit. You like Ethan don't you?" She says trying to refrain from squealing aloud. " How have I never pieced this together before?"

   "Because there is nothing to put together!" I tell her, filling the kettle in the tiny kitchen area.

   "Okay" She says calmly and takes a seat at the table.

As I make two mugs of tea, Marie just sits there suspiciously quiet. I know she's waiting for me to burst but I won't. I can't tell her what's happening or how I feel when I'm not even sure myself.

Ethan is great in every shape and form but I just have so much doubt, one of the biggest being the fact that he's a bit too good to be true and another is the fact that he's my best friend's brother. I don't even know how Ian would feel if anything did happen between me and Ethan, not that I'm expecting anything to happen but then again he did ask me to be his plus one.

Maybe he just wants to be friends?

   "How do you know how a guy feels about you?" I ask bluntly, placing a mug in front of Marie. "like is there a way to determine if he wants to be friends or more than? Or what if it's all in my head"

   "So is that all I'm getting or are you going to tell me the backstory?" Marie asks, arching a perfect eyebrow at me.

So I sit and briefly tell her everything about Ethan's almost wedding day, his family, the feelings I felt then and everything from today down to him asking me to be his plus one.

   "Oh. My. God." She says exaggerating each word. "How is it that I'm only finding out about this now?"

   "Seriously, if you're not going to be of any help get back to work"

Before Marie has an opportunity to reply my phone buzzes on the table, showing a new message from Ian.

Ian: Being forced to write this bt my bro's are insisting I tell u to come. Killian said he will find out where u live and Ethan says to rememberu dnt need shoes.

   "Now you have to go" Marie titters, reading the text over my shoulder.

Ian: Wat is he on about? Is there something I'm missing? Wait are u coming to the wedding? Yes!!!!! :D

   "Come with me" Marie insists, standing and tugging me along behind her. She sits me in a salon chair and she spins me around to face the mirror. "See that girl?" I nod at my reflection and smirk at Marie. "She's had a lot of crappy times in her life but today I saw the broadest smile I've ever seen on her face" Marie smiles over my shoulder at me. "Go to the wedding and have as much fun as you did at the last one, if not more; Don't worry about Ethan, just feel and take chances because if you don't you'll regret it for the rest of your life"

I gaze at my reflection for a moment. A thousand thoughts run through my mind but Marie was right, if I don't take the chance I might just regret it.

Taking my phone from my pocket I compose a message to Ian.

Me: Yes :)

   "Good choice boss lady" Marie chirps, "Now what are you going to wear?"

Good question!

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