Game Over

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"Lights out, you two". You came into your sons bedroom shutting their lights off. Signaling its time for bed.

"Mom, come on. One more game? Dad's killing us". AJ whined, he was the oldest but acted like the youngest.

"We can get him tomorrow. It's Saturday so we have all day to crush him". Your youngest son Jayden snickered crawling into bed.

"Oh yeah. Night mom". AJ jumped into bed.

"Night mom". Jayden said before removing his glasses and cuddling into bed.

"Night boys. Love you both so much. Sweet dreams". You blew them a kiss before heading out the door.

On the way to the bathroom you spotted Angel still blasting away on the playstation. "Games over, the kids went to bed".

"I know. I got with this group of cool guys and now we're playing". Angel didnt take his eyes off the game. One may say he's being to get addicted.

"Fine, play your little game. I thought we could play our own game. In bed. With no clothes on". You seductively purred. But it did nothing for Angel.  He kept pew pew pewing on his controller.

"I'm going to bed". You groaned, closing the door, not wanting to hear the noise.

Snuggling into bed you went fast asleep. Soon the alarm went off and you woke refreshed and energized.

"Time to get up, kids". You popped your head into the kids room. Surprisingly they were already up, playing on the game.

"Really? Not even breakfast yet"?

"Dad, woke us up. What time is it"? AJ groaned with a yawn. They both looked as if they didnt get a wink of sleep.

"Its eight am. What time did he get you up"? You asked with your hands on your hips.

"Four. I remember going to the bathroom and when I came back he had Jayden up and they were playing". AJ yawned again.

"Cut it off and go to bed. I'll wake you up at ten". You grumbled to yourself as they did what they were told without a fuss. Closing the door you walked down the hall and there he was, Angel in the same position, same clothes and same game as last night.

"What the hell are you doing"? You yelled but didnt get a response from Angel. Walking over to him you ripped off his headphones and slapped him with them.

"What"? He yelled, pausing the game.

"You're an idiot. Do you know what time it is? You havent moved since last night. Oh I forgot you did. You woke up the kids to play a stupid game. How old are you"?

"Thirtysomething". Angel giggled, he looked sleepy, his eyes droopy. He had really bad morning breath. Cheeto stains on his shirt and fingers. Energy drinks scattered around the floor.

"It wasn't a real question. I was being sarcastic". You palmed your forehead.

"You need to get some sleep".

"I'm not tired". Angel whined with a huff.

"Get to bed. Now, Angel Reyes". Angel's eyes grew wide, you meant business when you used his full name. He sat his headphones on the table and quickly went to the bedroom. Not stopping for anything. He hated when your were mad at him.

With a huff you started cleaning up the mess. You should have made Angel clean before you sent him off to bed. But you would have been a monster for doing that. 

It was around ten thirty when the kids and Angel rolled out of bed. They were still sleepy but they were also hungry.

"Where's mom, I'm starving"? Jayden rubbed his belly.

"Probably making a choir list for us to do. After the stunt Dad pulled last night". AJ narrowed his eyes at Angel.

"It wasn't all me. You wanted to play as well". Angel tried to defend himself from his sons.

"We were asleep. You're the adult. You're supposed to be the smart one". AJ argued.

"Guys, lets find something to eat. I'm hungry".

They all tiptoed down the hall and into the living room. They stopped and saw you sleeping on the couch.

"Geez, what does she have to be tired about? She's just a mom". AJ shook his head and went into the kitchen with his brother.

"That's it. She's a mom". Angel smiled, walking over and putting a blanket over you. Kissing the top of your head trying not to disturb your sleep.

Angel went into the kitchen, his sons were fighting over the last waffle. He didn't know how you could put up with three kids sometimes. He couldnt handle two.

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