Happily Ever After

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"Nestor, baby, everything okay"? Your groggy voice answered the phone, looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It flashed three am. 

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you". He said, his voice low and laced with restlessness. 

"It's alright, what's wrong"? You asked sitting up in bed, getting comfortable. 

"Nothing, just missed your voice". You smiled widely. 

"Honey you've only been gone  for two days and you'll be back the day after tomorrow". 

"I've never been away this long before, the babies aren't going to know who I am when I come home". 

"You're being crazy, they know who their daddy is". 

"I shouldn't have agreed to do this". 

"Babe, stop beating yourself up its your job". 

"But their two months old, this is bonding time and I'm not there to bond". "I'm a horrible father". He said which made you chuckle. 

"What's so funny"?

"You, you're being silly. Talking about they wont know who you are". 

"Its the truth". 

"Well if its the truth then I don't know who you are either". 

"Now who's being silly"? Nestor laughed lightly. 

"There you go, just lighten up". "Everything will be fine when you get home". 

"Okay, okay". "Did you have a good day today"? 

"We had a great day, we slept, ate and changed diapers". You both laughed, knowing that was everyday since the twins were born. 

"I miss that".

"I'll make sure you will get your feel of diaper changing". You rolled your eyes with a laugh. 

"Thanks Babe".

"So how's work"?

"Going good, getting things in order". Nestor spoke not saying much as he didn't want to pull you into his work.

"That's good. Are you getting enough rest"?

"I'm fine". He groaned.

"You're not fine, you're cranky". "That's the lack of sleep for ya".

"I'm okay, don't worry".

"I can't wait for you to be home. I just want to snuggle you forever".

"I promise this is the last trip I'm ever taking unless its with the kids and you". "I hate being away from my family".

"I know you do. Just think this money will go to their college funds and they will have a good life".

"Yeah". He sounded down and you were worried. 

"Talk to me Nestor".

"What"? Nestor was short, you knew he was over thinking.

"You want me to tell you a story"? You asked him.

"Sure". You could hear a faint yawn in the back ground.

"Once upon a time. There was a king who had two beautiful children and a gorgeous wife that loved him with all her heart. And one day the king had to ride into battle. Just the thought of leaving his family broke the kings heart but the queen reassured him that when he returned his family would be right there waiting for him no matter how long it took him to come home. Several day and several nights had past, the queen looked outside her window one night and saw the king riding up on his trusty steed. His hair flying freely with the wind. He was so handsome. She quickly dashed down her royal hallway and ran through the gates to meet her king. The king jumped off his horse, scooping his queen into his arms and kissing her deeply. Saying "I love you and will never leave you again". A smile came to both their faces as the sound of laughter came from the castle. His prince and princess was coming to greet their father. He grabbed them up and kissed their little warm chubby cheeks. The king was finally home with his family. The king and queen lived happily ever after with their children by their side". "The end".

"Nestor"? You asked as the phone line went quiet but then the soft snores of Nestor came over the phone. You had gotten him to go to sleep. He was at peace.

"Good night my darling, sleep well. I love you with all my heart and soul". You said as you blew a kiss into the phone.

You ended the call and snuggled back into bed, drifting off to sleep. Dreaming that one day your king will come home.

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