Window Gazing

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Requested Bakerennis89. I hope you like it. Thanks for requesting ❤

Gilly circled around the flower shop peering in the window at the girl cutting flowers. She was beautiful. She had the most amazing smile he has ever seen. He was nervous to go in and talk to her so he just watched from afar. Sometimes she would smile at him when he passed by even when he's done it three or five times. She was something special to him and he didn't even know her name. 

"Yo, Gilly boy". Angel yelled from across the street waving his arms. Gilly groaned as he saw Angel and Ez coming over.


"What are you doing over here? Buying flowers"? Ez asked as Gilly looked nervous.

"Holy Fuck, who is that"? Angel gawked, Gillys head flew up as the girl he was secretly crushing on walked to the register.

"She's hot as hell. I'll be back". Angel went to for the door but Gilly grabbed his arm.

"She's off limits".

"What the fuck you talking about? Aw, does Gilly have a crush"? Angel teased him. Ez shook his head at how much of a idiot Angel was.

"She's not some bitch you can pick up and throw away so fuck off".

"Then you better balls up and go in there before I do it". Gilly could tell Angel was serious. So he took a deep breath and walked into the flower shop, but quickly turned around and went out.

"What are you doing? You're looking like a real creeper right now".

"Do I smell okay"?

"Smell? I'm not going to smell you". Ez rolled his eyes and came over and smelt Gilly.

"You smell fine. Why"? He was cautious on asking.

"I didn't know if it smelt like fire, or burnt flesh". Gilly smelt his shirt.

"No you're good. Also I wouldn't mention the burning flesh thing or the gun in your pants". Ez nodded to Gilly.


"But mention that anaconda in your pants though. Chicks love that shit". Gilly and Ez chuckled.

"Wow, I can not believe we came from the same parents".

"Go. Be yourself and don't listen to Angel".

"Get her number too". Ez said lastly as Gilly went back in to the shop.

Gilly breathed in the smell of flowers filled his nose, bringing back to his grandmothers house when he was little. His grandmother had a big rose garden and she let him help her prune the flowers.

Gillys eyes caught a flower he hasn't seen since his grandmothers and he went straight to it. He picked one up and smelled it. Bringing back memories.

"Can I help you"? A woman's voice brought him back down from his flower high.

"Um, yeah. I'll take a dozen of these please". He smiled wide as he saw it was the girl from the window.

"Lovely". She smiled as she got twelve from the vase. She had cute dimples in her cheeks that made Gillys stomach feel with butterflies. He followed her to the counter.

"I hope I'm not being rude but you dont seem to be a flower person".

"I'm not really. But my grandmother is and she's taught me everything I know about gardening. Thats her favorite flower".

"Aw. What a wonderful grandson you are. That's really sweet of you. Also its my favorite flower too. The smell makes me all light and brings back old times".

"That's how I feel". Gilly chuckled.

"I'm Gilly". He held out his hand.

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you Gilly". You gladly took his hand.

"How much do I owe you"?

"It's on the house. For your grandmother for raising a man right". You handed the flower to Gilly. He blushed even harder.

"Thank you. I'll have to bring her here to meet you and to see all the flowers".

"I'd love to meet her. It was a pleasure meeting you".

"It was. I'll see you around. Thank you". Gilly waved good bye. As he turned around he saw Angel making kissing faces on the window which earned him a smack on the head from Ez. Then they got into a fight as Gilly walked outside.

"So, how'd it go"?

"Good I guess. I'm bringing my grandmother to meet her".

"Ah, to bad. My turn". Angel went to the door and Ez stopped him, shaking his head.

"It's a start Gilly. Maybe this will grow". Ez reassured him.

"Yeah, maybe". Gilly walked to his bike and put the flowers in his backpack but before he did he saw a card in the flowers. He picked it up and it had Y/Ns number on and said call me with a heart. Gilly licked his lips as he looked over his shoulder. You were at the window putting flowers in a vase. You looked up and saw Gilly looking at you. You waved and blew him a kiss.

Gilly put the card in his pocket and zipped up his bag. Sliding it on and getting on his bike, biting his lip trying to contain his excitement.

When he got to his grandmothers he told her all about you and your flower shop. She was impressed that he followed in his grandfathers foot steps. That's how they met, his grandmother had a flower shop and his grandfather was a shy man looking in a window same as Gilly. Gilly knew that maybe you were the one when he's grandmother approved.

So that evening he rode back to the flower shop and asked you on a date. You excitedly said yes. This was a start of something beautiful.

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