Not The Right Nipple

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"So I left you four breast milk bottles in the fridge and there's pouches in the freezer if you need extra but I shouldnt be gone that long". You explained to Angel as you got ready for a girls day out. Since having the baby two months ago you hadn't been out of the house and you were going stir crazy.

"Do you really have to go? I mean, you've never left Danny with me more than an hour and that's just to take a shower. I'm not sure that I'll survive". Angel rubbed the back of his head nervously, looking down at his sleeping son in the cradle.

"Angel, you'll be fine. I promise. If you need me, I'm just a phone call away. I love you. Now don't lose my child or burn down the house". You gave him a quick kiss and headed out the door.

Angel sighed. "Just you and me kid".

"Waaaaaawaaaaaaa". Danny screamed to the top of his lungs. His little face beet red.

"Come on. Come on". Angel growled at his phone as he tried to call you. Danny wasn't eating and he didn't need a diaper change so Angel didnt know what to do.

"Angel"? Ez called out as he, Coco and Taza entered the house.

"For fuck sake, what the hell did you do"? Ez snapped when he saw his little nephew.

"Nothing. I tried to feed him but he wouldnt take the bottle. He's clean, I know because I changed his diaper every fifteen minutes". Angel stressed.

"I see now why you need to get diapers every time we go out". Coco chuckled.

"Shut the fuck up". Angel hissed, he was already irritated and he didn't need Coco on his case.

"Let me see the bottle". Taza grabbed the bottle and tested on his wrist. "It's warm enough". He handed it to Ez to see if he could get him to eat.

"Wondered why he wont take it"? Ez questioned when Danny wouldnt take the bottle for him neither.

"He's breastfed, right"? Coco asked.

"Yeah"? Angel, Ez and Taza eyed Coco confused.

"Then that's what he wants. He doesnt want a bottle, he wants the warm breast on his cheek and the face that goes with that breast". Coco smirked.

"I'll kill you, Coco. Don't talk about my wife's body". Angel pointed his gun at Coco.

"Alright, settle down. Put the gun away". Taza stepped in between the two.

"Have you called Y/N"? Ez asked rocking Danny. He was still screaming.

"Yeah, no answer".

"We'll figure something out, dont stress, daddy". Taza patted Angel's back.

Angel took the guys to the living room and tried to stay calm and feed Danny. While Coco had a idea of his own, he went to the kitchen got a pair of scissors and went back to the living room.

"Give me the bottle". Coco held out his hand.

"What are you doing. I dont trust you around my kid with scissors". Angel hesitantly gave Coco the bottle. Coco scoffed.

"What the hell are you doing"? Angel asked as he saw Coco cut a hole in his shirt right where the nipple was at.

"I'm going to feed your kid, so he'll stop his screaming. Or would you like this to continue on until Y/N got here"?

"Now, hand me the baby". Coco held out his arms. Ez looked at Angel then Angel nodded.

"See if Danny boy thinks that the breast are where is should be, he'll drink and all your problems will be solved". Coco explained. He put the bottle nipple into Danny's mouth and he began to suckle.

"See. Not all my ideas are stupid".

"Okay, give me my kid. You're not breast feeding him. It's weird".

"Fine. Cut a hole in your shirt".

Angel did just that and they quickly switched off. Danny seemed happy as he ate. Angel's stress level went down and Danny's screaming stopped completely, he was even cooing.

"Thanks, man". Angel nodded to Coco.

"Dont say I didn't get you anything".

"You didn't. You didnt even show up for the baby shower".

"I was busy".

"Doing"? Angel asked as be rocked Danny back, still feeding him.

"Doing what Danny's doing right now but on a smoking hot red head". Coco smirked.

"Aaaah, that's disgusting. Dont be talking like that around my child, you nasty pervert". Angel scoffed in disgust.

"Do you want me to tell Danny that you were in his position a year ago"? Coco teased.

"Get out of my house, Cruz". Angel bluntly told Coco.

"Fine. I have a red head to see anyways". Coco rolled his eyes and headed out of the house.

"You cool here, brother"? Ez asked.

"Yeah I'm good. Thanks. See you guys later".

Ez and Taza left. Angel relaxed on the couch, cradling his sleeping son. A moments peace.

After a good squeeze and snuggle session, he laid Danny in his bassinet.

Angel was thrilled when he heard you pull up. He was still sitting on the couch when you walked in.

"Hey, my loves". You tip toed up to the couch. Leaning on the back of the couch.

"How was your day"? Angel asked with a whisper.

"It was wonderful. Thank you. How was your day? I seen you called but then texted you were fine".

"Oh, I missed place the wipes and forgot where we put the others but I found them. No problem". Angel lied.

"Okay, I'm going to go change. I need to snuggle with my boys". You giggled and kissed his cheek.

Angel saw the bassinet moving and got up to check on Danny.

"Angel"? You called out from the other room.


"Why does your shirt have a hole at the nipple"? You asked looking at it oddly as you went to put it on. 

"Um, about that". Angel chuckled to himself as he picked up his son.

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