I'm an artist, I'll watch the woman🎨

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You woke up with a sigh and peeked through half closed eyes, a chilling breeze brushed over your bare leg peeping out from the white cloth that covered you. Ed felt your breath on his paint stained cheek and shifted pulling you tighter into his neck, eyes resting shut, his half smile pressed into your cheekbone.

"Morning.. darling" he hummed gliding his lips up and down your cheeks, pressing soft kisses teasingly on one corner of your mouth and moving up your cheeks.

"You're truly.. beautiful.. especially whilst you sleep" his voice low, his words vibrating against your ear as he softly nuzzled the area behind it with his hooked nose. The feeling gave you goosebumps, a flutter in your chest waking you up fully and encouraging you into a sitting position. You quickly grabbed the cloth as it slipped over your shoulders, you grew hot with embarrassment as the realisation came over you that you were mostly naked... typical for a nude model, but the confidence tends to fade when you're not working, especially in front of a man like Ed...

... You were modelling for Ed late into the evening, stopping every so often for a drink of red wine, clumsily fed to you - and spilt - by Ed of course, as moving even an inch could interfere with the result as the painter continuously repeated throughout your time together. As the light faded he insisted you stayed instead of venturing out into the dangerous streets alone... however you don't remember putting your knickers back on...

You snapped back into reality as you noticed Ed's gaze fixated on your bare shoulder, he was up. Feeling inspired he steadied you with his large hands grasping the tops of your arms firmly. He released his grip once you were in position and pulled his hands away and out, spreading his fingers apart. His eyes were locked onto your form, watching for an inevitable twitch of discomfort. He winked and smirked when you didn't flinch, signifying you were comfortable in your position. "Stay there.. just wait.. I'll only be a second" his tone loving but serious, he admired you and wasn't at all shy about showing that.

Ed threw on an oversized denim jacket over his bare torso and pulled on some mismatched wine-red tartan trousers. Then swiftly left the room grabbing the wall with one hand as he turned the corner.

You sat, confused yet unsurprised at the odd and intriguing man. You daren't move as his words repeated over and over in your mind, reminiscing the previous night.

Ed cared for you, each time you modelled for him he showed you so much warmth which was unfamiliar to you, previous clients had used and abused you, but not Ed. Unlike the others, he hadn't been physical with you, only showered you in acts of affection. Usually with kisses to your face and neck, the odd innocent touch of your cheek or chin with his rough thumb. He was so silent, but you could tell he longed for the affection, you'd consider it overbearing if it were anyone else, but Ed...

"You think too much" He smirked, glancing at you before returning back to his painting.

Clearly the man was so silent he'd come back into the room, placed a glass of water down on the table and returned to his painting, without even interrupting your thoughts.

You glanced curiously over at the masterpiece, watching as small and precise brushstrokes glide over the canvas. Ed always turned the canvas towards you slightly, sacrificing the perfect lighting of his original position, so you could see his progress. You never asked him to but after watching you strain your neck one too many times, he eventually caved into your impatience and shifted the easel to let you watch.

"We didn't... " You started.
"Have sex?" He finished your question, eyes still focussed on the painting.
"Thank you for that." you said sarcastically, you rolled your eyes slightly, but regained focus on the man as you awaited an answer.
"No (y/n), you know I wouldn't without your full verbal... and sober... consent" he teased.

Oh Christ, you begged him again didn't you.. and you can't even remember, you truly couldn't help yourself after a drink. Truthfully you would allow him to ravage you sober, but that seemed ever so slightly unprofessional.. and you appreciated his respect for you.

You pulled yourself together and stopped your mind wandering further.
"I don't remember putting my knickers back on, as you so gracefully reminded me I was surely too intoxicated to decipher all these straps." Referring to your overly complicated but aesthetically pleasing thong.

"You fell asleep before you got the chance, I know you prefer to stay modest."

Oh the irony

"I managed it fine." He explained, straight faced, clearly hiding the obvious pride of his little achievement.

He observed the look on your face, still uncomfortable and stiff.
"I'm not them (y/n) I may stare at you all day but it's professional darling... not out of pure lust." You heard the disgust in his tone, towards the men that had picked you apart prior to himself, you felt like damaged goods.

Ed knew the men, briefly, he'd previously shared a work space with them all. The way they spoke about women got too much for him, you never did ask what happened between them... all you knew was that he sacrificed the perfect lighting for a small apartment with one single large window with, quite frankly, disastrous lighting.

He noticed your eyes fall to the floor. Putting down his brush and palette he stepped over to you. With one finger he stroked your still exposed shoulder, along your collar bone and up your neck to your chin. He cupped it with his thumb resting in you bottom lip.
"Need a break?" He asked, eyebrows slightly raised and head cocked.
"Please." You replied, barely parting your lips. He smiled softly.
You shook your head, still held by his thumb and fingers
"Or a chat.. you have something on your mind I can see it."
He was right, as always. You nodded slowly, looking up into his hazel eyes, you felt as though he knew you inside and out, but you were comforted by that.

He moved his hand and you audibly whined. Oops.

He'd started to turn away and grab a chair for himself but stopped in his tracks, turning on the ball of his foot and looked into your eyes once again.

"Was that a whimper?" He muttered, looking down at you. He raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly...

More than a muse 🎨Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin