Admiration and adoration🎨

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You did as he asked, sitting on his bed, slipping into a lacy bodysuit Ed had gifted you some time ago during your first few sessions together, for professional purposes of course. He never said much back then, only opening his mouth to direct or compliment you and sometimes accidentally when he couldn't help but stare. He was experimenting with different textures and colours and how they looked against your skin, he told you the intricacy of the patterned lace complimented your unique figure and you had to agree. It made you feel sexy, and he made you feel desired.

Knowing he'd be back soon, you made the decision to grab two glasses of water, presuming you'd need them after whatever he had planned for tonight. You walked into his kitchen, not caring too much that your body was somewhat on show to anyone who happened to peer in the window, you looked good and felt great. Let them stare.

As promised, Ed returned promptly, swinging a plastic bag by his side, the pockets of his overcoat bulging with the mysterious items he'd gone and purchased. He drifted through his workspace and hid behind his easel, noticing your presence in the kitchen after hearing the tap running. You hadn't clocked his return to the apartment, lost in your loud, salacious thoughts. He stood, undetected and watched you for a moment as you looked out the floor-to-ceiling window, down onto the street. You leaned against the cold window frame, your weight distributed onto one side, poking your ass out to the side unintentionally. Ed admired your silhouette, feeling the urge to make his attendance known before being accused of gawking, as he always seemed to be, because he was. He sighed under his breath, biting his lip slightly in deep thought, wanting to stare at your forever.
"You are... effortlessly beautiful." he finally announced in a seductive tone, creeping up behind you and sliding his hands around your waist, boldly cupping your lace covered breasts with his large warm hands he'd been blowing into in preparation for his sensual ambush, in plain sight of the entire street below. He didn't care, the idea of showing you off was enjoyable to him, respectfully of course.

You jumped at the contact, a moan slipping past your lips as your eyes rolled back. You swiftly turned to face him, smiling and laughing at his tactile approach. He lowered his hands back down to your waist and traced his fingers up and down the fabric.
"Oh I do love this on you..." he whispered into your hair as he pulled you into him.
"You did well with choosing it, how did you guess my size? I don't remember telling you."
"I'm an artist, darling, I do a lot of observing... so I just... knew." Truthfully he'd roughly figured it out early on, knowing your bra size off by heart after your underwear was so often laying around his apartment during sessions. He took note after subtly checking the label once before handing it to you, in case you ever needed something special to wear. He planned to gift you a nice set for your birthday coming up as he saw your face light up and confidence sky rocket in a sexy one piece, one he'd asked you to bring from home at the start of your time together. You deserved to feel like that every day and he was determined to make that so.

He liked to learn about you so took the chance whenever it became possible to, and you appreciated that. It was the little things he cared about the most, things most men in his position wouldn't pay attention to. He cared deeply for you, perhaps the reason for his utmost interest in your mind as well as your form that he studied daily.

"I thought we agreed we would be meeting in my bedroom this evening, did you change your mind?" He teased, peppering kisses up and down your cheekbone, knowing how much you wanted him in that moment. He noticed your silence and stopped, looking into your eyes and smiling sweetly showing you the option was truly yours.
"If you'd rather we did something else just say darling.." He whispered, giving you the chance to change your mind, it had been a long and eventful day for you both.
"Do you think we could get something to eat? I've worked up a bit of an appetite after today..." You asked, leaning back against the counter as Ed stood facing you, your hands intertwined.
"And I'm the supposed mind reader." He quipped, grinning. "Sure." He chuckled, kissing your forehead. He was pleased with your honesty and ability to make decisions, he knew you struggled with that usually.

Ed let go of one of your hands, still holding the other, and pulled you over to the oven, picking you up and placing you on the counter next to it. He stood between your legs and looked up at you, enjoying his view. Ed let his mind wander momentarily and his eyes widened with a sudden realisation.
"Wait, this is perfect, are you cold?" He asked eagerly awaiting a response.
"Quite, why?"
"Wait here, I got you something." he swung his hand out to catch the door as he left,  his gaze returning for a moment.
"Well a few things actually." He disappeared again.

He returned with a bag and silently emptied it on the counter, reaching into his pockets to grab the remaining items and add them to the pile.
"What's all this?" you asked, surprised to see more than just a dinner for two.
"As I said, I got you some things. Firstly, dinner, but that can wait." He said hastily. He was impatient to say the least, but it was cute.
"Assuming you're going to be staying here more often-"
"A bold assumption on your part but go on." You interrupted him, teasing him for the sheer fun of it.
"Correct, but if you want to stay here more often," he corrected himself, "then I think you'll need something other than lingerie to lounge around our- my apartment in." he looked up at you cautiously hoping you hadn't noticed his slip up, quickly unraveling a pair of red tartan joggers and a soft light blue hoodie as a distraction.
"Thank you Eddie, you really didn't have to, I could've just popped home and grabbed some of my own."
"Well where's the fun in that?" He questioned.
"You don't like them?" His voice monotone and sulky.
"No, stupid, I love them and their hidden meaning." You teased, confirming that you had in fact noticed his slip up. They didn't match, but you were sure he had his reasons for choosing the combination, never question an artist. He smiled, satisfied with your answer and hiding his embarrassment.
"Okay next present." he moved on, referring to the two small black bundles of fabric he'd previously had stuffed in his pockets. He nudged you to pick them up. You did, straightening them out and holding them out in front of you. Underwear, classy but comfortable, no functionless straps and unnecessary frills. You furrowed your brows, thinking back.
"Why did you have them in your pocke-"
"No bags. Well, no bags that weren't bright pink and covered in rabbits. Not really your vibe." The poor man had gone into a sex shop and bought the most tame knicker and bra set in existence, he was a keeper.
"And I wasn't going to fumble about trying to get them out and put them in the plastic bag I got from the food shop in the street, it would have made me look... shifty."
You smiled and threw them at him playfully. He caught them and balled them up in his hands anticipating a verbal response.
"Thank you, again, I'm suddenly feeling very comfortable around you Eddie..." You broached the subject on both of your minds.
"Well I just thought... we're spending a lot of time together, you deserve to be comfortable."
"Not just because of the clothes Eddie." You both fell silent. He broke the silence.
"Fuck it." He muttered under his breath.
"I guess I'm going first then, (y/n), I truly think I've fallen in love with you." You looked at him, shocked at his confession, you knew he cared for you but you didn't expect those words to come so soon. You thought for a moment, seeing adortion in his eyes.
"I love you too Eddie." You'd never said that to anyone and meant it, not like this, but it felt so natural with Ed.

Ed turned away smirking to himself, feeling relieved and complete. He turned on the oven and began to cook some simple comfort food, feeding you grapes as you waited patiently perched on the counter top.

He was going to get it tonight.

More than a muse 🎨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora