Chapter 9

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Suzie stared at her computer in triumph. According to the GPS readout, the truck that her artillery shells were on had been stopped in the city of Rashid for over four hours. Her bait had worked, and they took it. Not that she could reel them in with it, but it was a start. She was almost certain that her alias was being tracked. Next time she would get even more information, or teach a lesson. It was a great way to start the morning, getting information that she had been hoping for. Now the Fire Ant people would become the hunted instead of her. Tonight, she would get more bait.

But first, breakfast and school awaited her.

She had thought about the issue with Casey, and had run into more problems than solutions. Usually the target of the prank that she would get someone in trouble for was the teacher. That worked well because the teacher usually had first had knowledge of the way that the trouble maker acted, so they would be more inclined to blame them. This wouldn't work for Casey though. First, Casey was, to the teachers anyway, a perfect little girl, so they would have a hard time blaming her for anything. Second, Suzie didn't want to play a prank on Mr. Kelly, whether Casey was going to be blamed or not.

So there needed to be someone else that Casey could get in trouble with. Just a detention or two would be perfect. Maybe she could do it during one of their periods with the other teachers, PE or art could have possibilities. PE could be difficult, since they never knew what they were doing, and it was dependent on the weather. In art they were making pottery, to be fired and glazed before spring break so they would be ready to go home. If it was painting, that would be easy, she was sure she could arrange for Casey to be blamed for a paint mess. Pottery was different; she couldn't really have Casey hit someone over the head with her vase or anything. Maybe there was another way? Since art was on Thursday, she still had two days to think about it.

Major Dillon was almost skipping on his way to see general Little, for a change he had good news. Hurrying down the hallways he was actually smiling and nodding at people instead of ignoring them. When at last he reached the door to General Little's office, he had to prevent himself from bursting through the door, and instead calm down for a moment and knock.

"Enter!" came the bellowed response.

"General Little, I have some excellent news!" exclaimed Dillon when he entered.

"I hope so, we need some for a change," said the general gruffly.

"As you know sir, we have intercepted an order of eight tanks, an order of helicopters, and a shipment of ground to air missiles over the past week. We were also able to apprehend a pair of arms dealers and identified a warlord in Ethiopia who was buying equipment, so we can keep track of him in the future."

"Yes, yes, congratulations. You still haven't found the nuclear weapon though!"

"No sir, but we have progress. If you recall, the tanks were bound to a person named Petra, whom we assume is a woman based on the name. Well, we recently discovered the black market dealer who sold the nuclear weapon, and he divulged to us that he sold it to that same Petra person."

"That worries me Major, it doesn't make me feel better at all!" thundered the General.

"I'm not done yet sir. Last night we intercepted a truck in Egypt that was being used to transport artillery shells. That truck was hired by Petra, and the shells were purchased by Petra. Moreover, the shells were bound for a freighter where there was space purchased, for a trip to Greece." said Dillon triumphantly.

The General stared at him in silence.

"Sir? We're getting closer sir, we are reasonably sure that Petra is in Greece!" explained Dillon.

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