Chapter 10

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Wednesday morning was glorious; the sun shining into Suzie's room made her wish Spring Break had already started. Only three more days before she had a whole week to concentrate her efforts on Fire Ant! It was hard, but Suzie forced herself to not turn on her laptop, she didn't want to get caught up in anything prior to school. She would let anything that happened keep happening, and would sort it out after school. Besides, today she was looking forward to school, especially lunch. She showered and dressed quickly, wanting the day to start.

"Good morning Yilin!" she said entering the kitchen.

"Good morning Miss Suzie!"

"How are you today?"

"Very well thank you."

"Good. So are you ready to have me home all next week? I'll try not to be too noisy."

"You're never noisy Miss Suzie. It will be a pleasure to have you here," replied Yilin. Truthfully, Yilin wished Suzie would be a little noisier, with more friends like that Simone girl coming over.

"We'll see if you still think that at the end of next week!" said Suzie with a smile.

Clicking on the TV, Suzie checked out the news while she ate the waffles that Yilin had made for her. Looks like someone scared Homeland Security, the terrorist threat level was up to Red, the highest it had been in years. Well, that was useless, nobody ever paid attention to those thought Suzie and most people never knew what the colors even meant. On a brighter note, it looked like her PR campaign was having a little bit of an effect, there were some protests of oil companies urging them to promote alternative fuels, and a Greenpeace boat was using water hoses on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Seeing that, it made it easier to enjoy the rest of breakfast.

Once at school, the morning seemed to drag. The math problems were easy, things she had learned on her own back in first grade, but she was good and answered a few, getting smiles back from Mr. Kelly for her participation. But the entire time she was internally seething, she desperately wanted to clock to ring!

Once lunch arrived, she walked calmly to the cafeteria, making sure to stay close to Casey. When they reached their table, she made sure to sit opposite her, giving Simone a smile and wink while Casey was setting up her fancy lunch accessories. It never ceased to amaze her on what some people would waste money on. Of course, she was buying a pair of fighter jets she didn't really need, and never expected to use, so who was she to say anything?

The conversation that day centered on Spring Break, and who was doing what. Simone mentioned that she had plans to go to the beach with her parents, which Suzie knew about but evidently Casey hadn't heard.

"Oh, I hate the beach! All those weird things in the water, and I don't want to burn my beautiful skin." She said running a hand up her pale white arm. "Not to mention, the salt in the water ruins my hair, and it takes weeks for my hairdresser to get it fixed again!" Personally, Suzie thought that Simone's dark complexion was gorgeous, and that the pale skin on Casey's arm looked like the bellies on the fish Yilin cooked before it went into the wok. As for hair, Casey's looked as fake as a doll's, where Simone's looked thick and stunning. She absently ran a hand through her own hair, wishing for something closer to Simone's, but her hair was closer to Casey's, though she never got the fancy hairdos and colors that Casey did.

"So what are you doing Casey?" inquired Suzie, getting Casey onto her favorite topic, herself.

"I told my parents to take me to British Columbia. I heard it is still cold up there, and you can still go skiing! I'll have to buy new clothes for the trip though; I have to look good for all the men on the slope!"

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