Chapter 19

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Suzie was half expecting to see the police cars outside the house when she woke up. Or maybe they would appear while she was eating her breakfast, not that she ate more than a few nibbles of toast with her stomach in knots. When Yilin finally got her into the car, Suzie was then convinced that the police would be waiting at the school, no doubt she'll be summoned to the office out of class with one of those hated announcements, with Mr. Kelly escorting her there to make sure she didn't run.

But none of that happened. The school looked normal, and Suzie didn't see any undercover police, or skulking secret agents in shrubs either. No, it was a normal Tuesday morning, and there was just school to face.

And Mr. Kelly of course.

She was terrified of what he might say, or do, but she desperately needed his help. She had nobody else to turn to. But when she got to the classroom, it was locked. There were a few of the other students out in the hallway, waiting to get in, but there was no Mr. Kelly. Suzie felt her legs grow weak. This was it. He was bringing the police, the CIA and the FBI. They would all get their hooks into her and she would never see her parents again.

"Maybe he's sick, and we'll have a substitute. He's never been out before though, this is weird," said Jessica."

"I hope so, Mr. Kelly is too tough!" commented Jason, who's grades weren't all that great.

Suzie slumped against the wall next to the door and slid down till she was sitting. She didn't know where Mr. Kelly was, but she was sure it wouldn't end well for her. She fought back tears, and kept her face lowered onto her knees so nobody could tell how upset she was. Her life was over.

"Good morning everyone, sorry I'm late!" apologized Mr. Kelly. Suzie's head shot up, staring wildly. She saw him standing right next to her as he unlocked the door. All of the other students were scrambling to their feet to go into the classroom. Once the door was open, she stood aside for the stampede of children, then held his hand out to help Suzie up.

"You don't want to come into class Miss Elliot?" he asked with a smile. She took his hand nervously, and he pulled her to her feet. "That was an amazing paper you wrote," he whispered. "You should see me after class about it."

Suzie's heart almost exploded with joy, and she couldn't contain the smile that shone on her face. "I will!" she gasped. Suzie quickly hurried to her desk and sat down, trembling from head to toe. She hardly dared to breath, as she was so excited to have Mr. Kelly on her side and didn't want the moment to end.

It was an odd sensation, Suzie thought. She had opened up a little to Simone, and had gained a best friend, but this was way beyond that. Ever since she had turned the paper in to Mr. Kelly, she hadn't been able to eat, and had barely slept the night before, she was so nervous. But now, all of the tension left her completely, and she felt lighter than air. She felt invincible, alive like never before, and was ready to take on the whole world if need be to save her parents. So caught up with emotion was she, that she raised her hand at virtually every question, answering everything she could and not even caring who noticed. When the lunch bell rang, she virtually floated to the cafeteria, where she wolfed down her food as quickly as possible. She was famished after not eating in over a day.

Casey was still out of touch and eating on paper towels instead of her fancy place setting, but Simone was staring at her intently during the whole lunch. "Are you feeling all right?" she finally ventured.

"Honestly, I feel great!" exclaimed Suzie, grinning from ear to ear.

"Well you look happy, but yesterday you looked a mess and today you're the exact opposite. What happened?"

"Well, I was just worried about my parents, They had missed two phone calls so I didn't know if they were all right, but I just found out they're fine now, so I'm happy," explained Suzie, feeling bad she couldn't tell her more.

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