Chapter 16

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Wednesday morning, Suzie woke up feeling lousy. She had a headache and upset stomach, and didn't feel like being in the most magical place on earth any more. She felt like curling up in her own bed with Nessa and Rose and sleeping for the rest of the week. She checked her phone again, but there still wasn't a call. She had looked every day since the missed Sunday night call, and still there was nothing.

[Text: Simone, Hope you're having fun at the beach. Miss you! Suzie]

At least she could catch up with Simone. Her week would be a lot better if Simone could have come with her to Disney. She was feeling very lonely, even with Yilin there. Maybe it was time to go home.

[Text: Suzie, Miss you too. Little brother being a pain, but having fun! Wish you were here. Simone]

I wish I was there too thought Suzie. Or that you were here. With her parents having not called, she was feeling miserable. She needed to buy a helicopter gunship, and maybe that would help.

No! She was taking a break! No gunships!

Maybe she should just head home. There wasn't a whole lot she hadn't done here that she would want to keep doing. They had gone to all of the theme parks, and Yilin had been on most of the rides. Suzie was too short for some of the bigger rides at Hollywood Studios, but otherwise had been on everything she could have wanted.

Even better, the day before they had gone to Blizzard Beach and Suzie had worn herself out going down all the water slides. It was all for a good cause of course, as Yilin hadn't been on any water slides prior to that. But now, she was theme parked out. She wanted peace and quiet and warm furry bodies purring next to her.

Leaving her room, Suzie found Yilin in the kitchenette making some tea to go with the room service breakfast. As usual, it smelled delicious, her tea made every meal better.

"Yilin, I think we should head back home. I miss it, and I think we've done enough here for this trip."

Yilin turned from the stove top, "Are you sure Miss Suzie?"

"Yes, I am. I don't think my body can handle any more trekking around the parks. I'm dead on my feet!" Suzie complained.

"All right. I'll call the pilots, and we can call a limo and leave for the airport after breakfast."

"Thanks Yilin! I know you wanted to stay and do more rides."

"Actually, I'm pretty beat up too. I don't know if I could handle any more rides!" admitted Yilin.

Giggling, Suzie sat down and started enjoying the breakfast. She still didn't feel so great, but at least now she knew she could go home and relax and maybe Simone would be home for the weekend.

[Text: Simone, Heading home today, too tired for a vacation! Weird! Suzie]

Once they were done with breakfast, Suzie wasted no time packing her stuff back up. She made sure that all of her laptop accessories were carefully put away, as well as the unused voice scrambler and all of her private cell phones. The last thing she needed was to leave an incriminating cell phone around somewhere!

By the time they were all packed up, the limo service was downstairs waiting, so they loaded their luggage into the trunk and headed for the waiting jet. Suzie could barely muster the energy to get out of the car, let alone climb up into the jet, but she finally stumbled up and into one of the comfy chairs while the ground crew loaded up the plane. This take off may have been her favorite yet, meaning she got to go back to her own nice soft pillows and bedroom. Once they were airborne Suzie reclined her chair, and could feel her body relax more and more the closer they got to home.

The flight was nice and smooth, and Suzie slipped into a nice nap soon after they were airborne. Even the landing didn't wake her up, though Yilin did when they were done taxiing. By the time she got the sleep rubbed out of her eyes, and had stretched a bit to wake up, the car was already loaded up and Yilin was waiting for her to get in so they could head home. Suzie stayed awake for this drive, though she was mostly thinking. She still felt pretty lousy, and her head was pounding now. She needed some medicine, and just didn't feel like doing anything yet. She was also pretty hungry, as it was already a little past lunch time. Perhaps after lunch and some rest to let medicine work, she would call Melissa and see if she could get the laboratory up and running. That seemed like a good idea. Once she had her ideas in order, Suzie drifted back off to sleep.

When they got back to the house, she shuffled up to her room and lay down on the bed. Nessa and Rose immediately jumped up and snuggled with her, demanding to be petted and scratched by butting their heads into her. She obliged briefly before drifting back into a fitful slumber.

She woke up an hour later when Yilin brought her a tray with tomato soup and grilled cheese.

"You have a fever Miss Suzie, so let's get some medicine in you and let you rest some more. I think you pushed yourself too hard having fun the last few days." Yilin said soothingly, handing her some aspirin.

"Thanks Yilin." Suzie groaned. She took the aspirin with some water and lay back on her pillow. A few moments later she sat up and tried the soup and sandwich, finding them both as delicious as usual. Once she started eating, she couldn't stop, and soon finished off the entire lunch. She felt a little better, but still week, so she stayed in bed to rest. She did boot up her laptop quickly though, she hated not being punctual.

[E-mail: From Amanda Beck, to: Melissa Tan


I'm sorry I haven't called yet, but I'm under the weather and resting. Can I call you tomorrow morning, say around 9 AM?

Amanda Beck.

CEO GeoEx Tech


Once that was done she shut off the laptop and put it away. She didn't want to get caught up in anything else until she was better. Tomorrow would be soon enough to start looking at security tapes in some of the Indian Military installations to find the Fire Ant team members, and have the phone interview with Melissa. Today she would relax and get herself better.

Nessa and Rose purred and snuggled up to her belly, butting her hands impatiently with their heads and reminding her of something else she needed to do today. 

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