Chapter 13

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The next morning they started out slowly. Suzie's parents had fallen asleep early, as they were still recovering from jet lag. She thought her father would actually fall asleep in his dinner, but he made it back to the bedroom before they both crashed in bed leaving her to fend for herself. She thought it would be a good time to break out her computer and get work done, but then she realized she would need the time the next day to get into the NATO servers, so she decided to go to the top of the resort where the front desk had told her she could watch the nightly fireworks. She had to admit, the view had been wonderful. She would have to go back when her parents were awake.

Now Saturday dawned, and she knew her parents would want to go to one of the parks, and she wanted to as well. The only thing was, she also really wanted to do her e-mail scan as soon as possible. She just hoped her parents would sleep in and give her the chance to do that. The morning dragged on, with no sign of her parents as she read her book in bed, with the radio on low. The suite was large enough that she felt like she was in her own little room. Unfortunately, she was also hungry, but she was afraid to order room service as it would probably wake her parents up. She didn't think she could wait another three hours without food though, or she'd end up eating the laptop before she had a chance to use it!

Finally, she gave in and she dialed up some room service and ordered enough for everyone, even getting extra bacon since she knew her dad loved it. Suzie realized it might be a little while before she got back to business, but that was all right. For a change, fun would probably come first.

Moving from her bedroom to the couch on the lounge, Suzie continued to read. It would be easier to hear the room service arrival in there, and there was still the chance her parents would keep sleeping. Unfortunately, she heard the television come on in her parents' room just before room service arrived. The food was set up and ready to eat when her parents finally came out.

"Mmmm, bacon, that smells delicious! You must have read my mind!" exclaimed her father, still rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"Well, I figured that if I was hungry I was sure you would be too, so I ordered up a big breakfast to start the day," Suzie answered simply.

"Coffee, coffee!" her mother mumbled zombielike as she stumbled from the room. Suzie quickly poured her a cup, adding the cream and sugar while her mother sat. "Oh thank goodness!" she sighed while sitting back and relaxing.

The talking quickly gave way to eating, as all of them were famished. Suzie watched with amazement as slice after slice of bacon disappeared into her father's mouth.

"How do you not get fat when you eat like that?" she asked, amazed. It was very true, as both of her parents were in great shape, with the same light tan that she had.

"Well, lifting land mines and building things in third world countries keeps you pretty active young lady," her dad answered with a smile.

"This vacation is as much for us as it is for you!" said her mother with a sigh. "We needed a break!"

"I'm glad you got to take one too!" said Suzie enthusiastically.

"So, speaking of vacations, what should we do today? We're in the middle of all kinds of fun, so what kind would we like to have?" asked her father in mock seriousness.

"I think the first day we should take it lightly. You two almost fell asleep in your mashed potatoes last night." Suzie answered with a grin.

"So, you don't want to go to any theme parks?" her mother questioned.

"Oh, no, I want to go, I just don't think we should do anything too strenuous. Why don't we take the Monorail over to EPCOT and go around the world showcase, maybe get some dinner, and come back and watch the fireworks from the roof. I watched them last night while you slept and they were wonderful," Suzie suggested.

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