Chapter Eleven - Not A Sugar Baby

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"Peter?" A deep, baritone voice called out to me. I lifted my gaze from my computer and saw it was a... friend of mine. Yes, I'm almost certain I can call him, them, friends.

"H..Hi Tedd?" I asked with a hint of a question, and the man chuckled as he pulled out the seat next to me. "Close, though it's really a fifty fifty chance. It's Todd."

I blushed, "S..Sorry, you're both i..identical."

"I'd hope after going through undergrad and now a year into a master's program you'd notice the difference. How's it going? What you working on?" Todd said as he leaned into my space.

I blushed and turned my computer screen, so he was able to see what I was working on, "Ahh, Advanced Algorithms, I took that last semester," he said as he leaned back into his space, I was sure he noticed my discomfort.

"I..I'm having s..some trouble," I admitted sourly and I could see the smirk forming on Todd's face.

"I find that hard to believe, can I help?"

I scrunched up my face not being too keen on asking for help, but I had been in the computer lab for longer than I had anticipated. "I won't do it for you Peter, just some tips. If I can even remember," Todd muttered the last part.

I sighed and let my shoulders fall, "P..please," I said as I looked into his brown eyes. It seemed as though Todd stiffened in his seat for a moment, but quickly recovered. Clearing his throat he nodded, "Let me see."

And I explained my issue to him, I was just stuck on programming and how to complete the next step. Todd was actually helpful and knew a way around the algorithm we were currently working on.

"Get it now?"

Chuckling I responded, "I..I think so, thanks! I..I've been in t..the lab all day."

His brows furrowed, "Have you eaten today?"

And at the mention of food, I noticed the hole I felt in my stomach and my mouth suddenly felt dry. "T..thank you for the r..reminder. I..I'll go get some now."

"Mind if I join you? It's lunch rush."

Checking my watch, Todd was right and with the lunch rush came a lot of people.

"Don't worry, just tell me what you want, and I'll grab it, the cafeteria okay?" Todd responded and a sense of relief washed over me. In a way I felt bad asking him to do that, but it made me feel better knowing I could just man the table and avoid the majority of people.

"T..thank you that's f..fine!"

Todd patiently waited for me to back up my bags and once I was ready, we made the silent journey to the cafeteria. Todd was the quiet twin; I knew that much. Telling them apart physically was impossible, but I did know they shared a lot of differences. Tedd could talk someone's ear off and in the process make them grip their stomach with laughter. Todd wasn't as talkative and has a very calm aura.

Both of them though are extremely handsome. From their brown, perfect skin, toned bodies, and buzzed hair, both men are just very attractive men. Though there was an odd rumor surrounding them, one I had never given much thought to. But I had heard from Evan that he had heard from someone else that they shared lovers. And I found that to be very interesting if it was true.

Evan also had this grand idea that both were trying to pursue me. I knew that was a lie through and through. Tedd and Todd had been nothing but polite to me, they were adamant about being my friend when we first met, but I had seen them as nothing more than that. And I was sure they felt the same. I knew when someone was trying to pursue me, not that there were many people attempting to do that.

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