1 | Moral support

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I knew he was bad news from the start but, nothing could of prepared me for how astonishingly breathtaking he looked. He looked like a typical bad boy, from the long hair and beard to the nose and lip piercing. Although i already knew what he looked like after stalking my brothers Instagram trying to find his username so i could do some investigating.

Countless amounts of pictures of him shirtless with a smirk of his face. Not that I care he's shirtless, the man is ripped. There was only a few pictures with some extremely pretty girls. Typical fuck boy. His page also had some pictures of the band. Mostly close ups of him though.

I knew I was incredibly attracted to him when Eren told me how much of a reckless idiot he is. Eren doesn't approve of his behaviour very much but. They still get on well. Apparently they've always been like that though.

They'd always bicker over silly things but, they grew distant when Jean had sex with mikasa after Eren specifically told him he can't sleep with other member of the band. They exploded at each other, punches were thrown and some hateful words were too.

But once they sat down and discussed why Jean did what he did, they were fine again. Eren wouldn't tell me anything other than that.

I've not only heard of him through my brother though. He also attends the same university as us both, only him and Eren are two years older than me.

He majors in music, completely understandable as he is in a band. He plays electric guitar whilst Eren plays the drums, Connie plays bass and mikasa and Armin sing.

I'm yet to hear them play together though. I've only ever heard Eren and by god did that give me a massive headache afterwards.

Jean is known around campus for being rebellious, he doesn't get on with people and causes a lot of trouble. Eren told me that he skips a lot of classes and smokes a lot of weed. He also gets into a lot of fights. Eren made it clear that I should stay away from him, he doesn't want Jean to ruin my 'reputation'. Typical overprotective big brother.

Despite all the rumours I've never ever ran into him on campus, let alone seen him in person.

Until now.

Erens band booked a gig at a club nearby our dorms and he had invited me and my friends to listen to him.

He's been waiting for this moment. Finally time to show the world what he's got. He always tells me that he feels so free when he plays. He loves the feeling.

So now here I am, Wrapped in a dark green dress feeling extremely warm. Ymir and historia at my left side giggling in each other's arms and Sasha at my other munching on some peanuts she bought at the bar.

The bands haven't even started to play yet, but we're here early because Eren was ridiculously nervous and wanted some moral support.

He's in the back of the club in one of the rooms making sure everyone is getting prepared and tuning their instruments.

He text me 5 minutes ago to tell me he was coming to find me so he could bring me back stage.

"God we've been waiting here for so long, where the fuck is your brother?" Ymir scoffs

"He said he'd be here like 5 minutes ago but I don't know what he's doing" I respond crossing my arms over each other

"Do you think I have time to go get another bag of peanuts? I'm starving" Sasha asks

Before I can even respond Erens loud voice interrupts me "y/n! Over here" he shouts over and waves his hand.

He's stood near a vending machine at the side of the bar that leads to the toilets. I wave back in response a small smile on my face.

ANGELS LIKE YOU| Jean Kirstein Where stories live. Discover now