The Punishment:

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So it was Friday January 22nd. Joe and Ryan snuck out a week earlier too Miami Florida without their mom and dad knowing. They get back that day. What they don't know is that their parents are waiting for them too come home too start their punishments. As their dad picks them up at the airport he is more on the boys side than the moms but the mom doesn't know.

Dad: Boys. I will give you two hours in the car too contact your friends because you guys will not be having access too the internet for a while. Joe tell Maddie and the gc and ryan tell your friends!
Joe: But I am 18!
Dad: So? You are living under our roof!
Ryan: What roof? Whatever what are we going too be doing? School work?
Dad: Y'all will get your ass's beat first. Than we will lock away your electronics and set a new password for the computer so y'all can't sneak onto it. Also y'all will be cleaning the house and doing physical chores. Say goodbye to the real world. Y'all won't go out for a long ass time!
Joe: Fine!

@joe.vald too @maddielesher on ig
J: Maddie I know you are at work but it's official. Imma get punished I will talk too you when I get out of punishment. It might be weeks till I talk too you next. I will miss you like crazy and I love you. Tell the gc about this because all I want too do rn is be with you. Imma watch some tik toks and than my punishment will be begin. I love you and thank you for everything you have done for me. I hope you still wanna be with me after my punishment but Ryan is sobbing and he is shook! Bye pumpkin pie! Till next time.

2hrs later at home.

As Ryan and Joe enter the house their mom has a basket in front of the door.

M: Joe and Ryan! Put every fucking electronic you have in the basket now!
Joe and Ryan: Yes Maam
M: Now y'all stand in the corner so I can hide these in the safe that we got. Y'all are dumb. You gave us a week too figure out yalls punishments. Also we took away yalls nice clothes so now y'all are going to be wearing the "boring" polo we get you!
Joe and Ryan: Yes Maam. *stands in corner*

As they stand in the corner for hours till they realize they are getting dehumanized. They start too think how worth this whole things is. They got good content they will post when they get their electronics back. They made good ass memories and they are doing the time for it now but this is only for a couple of weeks. Joe hopes he can get out of this soon cause Maddie can't last this long without him. Ryan needs this punishment too be done so he can start grinding on his channels. But they Gotta pay the price of doing these things.

M: Get out of the corner. Y'all were their all night fools. Now go too the table and study.
Joe and Ryan: Yes Maam.

They look outside and it's light out. They really stood their all night. As they study and study they become tired but they can't sleep or they add a day too the punishment that's what their mom says. So they keep on studying and studying.

M: Joe. Maddie is texting you like crazy. Wow it's a lot. Too bad you can't see them. Lol. In the safe it goes.

As this goes on for days and days. The boys have 1hr of sleep every night and one meal a day. They study and study and do physical chores and punishments.

Three weeks later: February 5th 2021

M: Boys. Y'all are done with the punishment. You guys will get your electronics back rn and congratulations y'all both graduated highschool and did college studies while y'all were punished. Y'all are going to get a job if y'all want and post on social media. Now that I know y'all can travel and do shit on your own and own up too your mistakes without being an ass y'all can do whatever you want! Just provide as much as you can too the family!

Joe and Ryan's new tweet:

Joe and Ryan's new tweet:

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@joe.vald too @maddielesher on ig:
J: Let me call you. I missed your voice and I want too tell you everything and I wanna hear what you are doing!

I love you Joe and Ryan! I don't want y'all too be punished so I wrote about it too balance it out

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I love you Joe and Ryan! I don't want y'all too be punished so I wrote about it too balance it out

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