Prisoners With No Reason

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(Story) inspired by Ryan's Twitch Stream:
Joe and Ryan:
As we walk down the long ass hallway as we got stripped away from our homes and into a prison uniform we are told we did something extremely bad that we had to be stripped away from the world. As we hear doors lock behind us guaranteeing us that we are here for good and no way out we see two cells open.
Guards: So Joe Vald and Ryan Vald you will be away from human contact for a year. No one will talk too you ever and you guys will be in different cells. No books, no newspaper, no internet, and no gaming. In a small slip we will give you food and water and the days date. There is a bathroom in the cell. Every two weeks we will give you new uniforms and things you need. Understood?
Joe: Yes sir!
Ryan: Yes sir. Can we say goodbye to each other?
Guard: Sure I guess
Ryan: Thank you! Joe I love you and see you when we get out! Please remember me!
Joe: I love you! Please we got this! I will miss you!

As I see Ryan for the last time for a long ass time I hear the shackles we are in and head into our new home for a year. I can't believe this. I didn't get too say goodbye to everyone. This is the most alone I have ever felt and I feel so bad that Ryan is dealing with this as well. He is only 16. He is a kid! He is supposed to be having fun. While I am an adult and should be doing this time. His brain is still processing and so is mine. We are teenagers. My heart is broken as I hear the door behind me lock. This is it. My year in here begins as they lock the cell door.

As I hear Joe and I's shackles heading into our cells it's numb too hear it. My heart is hurting badly and I am just a kid. I will be an adult when I get out. I had so much planned and the fact that I didn't get too say goodbye to everyone hurts. I need my brother desperately and I miss him. As these thoughts go through my head I hear the cell door lock behind me and this is the start of being in here for a year.

June 2021:
I think it's been 8 months since we been in here and I am loosing my mind. The air in here smells moldy and gross. My vision is blurry and the only colors I see is orange and that's my uniform I have on. The food they give us is mush and you are asking. "What about yalls brace?!?" Well it all came off and I don't know about Ryan's since I haven't seen him since we got here. I miss everything in life. I miss being me. I am here alone with my own thoughts and that's dangerous! I'm ugly rn I think. We don't have mirrors in here cause that's entertainment.

I am not the Ryan Vald y'all know. I am different. I can't feel anything whatsoever and I feel so numb too everything. I used to not care about anything but I care a lot right now. I am 17 years old and I want too be out badly. I feel like we learned our lesson but than again we are the Valds. When we get out I don't know who we will have left. I don't remember what I look like let alone who anyone looks like. All I know is that I am so ugly. I miss joe so much but we got like 4-5 more months left in this hell hole.

December 6th 2021:

Today is Ryan and I's release day! Also Ryan is 18!!! I can't believe he is 18 years old. The last time I saw him he was 16. I bet he looks like a mature adult but I don't know. Today I will see a human. I get my rights back. I will be a human and not like a dog they made us feel!

TODAY WE GET RELEASED! ITS MY 18TH BIRTHDAY TOOOOO! I GET MY RIGHTS BACK! I am so excited to not be treated like a caged animal and be normal. I am so excited to see a human today. I am so excited too see Joe and my family. I don't know if I have any friends.

Guard: Ryan Vald you ready?
Ryan: Yes sir!
As I see the door open for the first time in my life I see a human. I get down on the floor and cry.
Guard: Get up! Let's get joe. Come here and get your shackles on!
Ryan: Yes sir.
Heads too joes cell
Guard: Joe Vald you ready?
Joe: Yes Sir!
As the guard opens the door joe and ryan interlock eye contact and cry. Joe gets his shackles on and cries. They head too the uniform room and gets in their clothes. They see their parents cry and they all hug and they get onto their phones too only see Maddie Lesher in front of them. The only friend left. They all hug knowing the pain and suffering is over!

Coming home:
Maddie: Omg Joe and Ryan I missed you guys so much! But sadly everyone that talked too you don't see you the way I see y'all. Y'all are completely innocent in my eyes but they think y'all are villains.
Joe: Mackenzie right?
Ryan: Your name is Mackenzie right? I thought it was Amanda!
Maddie: Y'all my name is Maddie and I am 20 years old next month I will be 21. I knew y'all would forget somethings in the real world. I gotchu! So we are moving to LA you ready?
Maddie: It's okay y'all! Let's go home!

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