Chapter 6 Explaining and Leaving

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"I wanted to say goodbye, but first turn around" I say and he turns around then I put on my suit

"What? Your leaving?" Loki asks and looks me up and down

"Yes I am Gamora should be here soon" I say looking at my necklace

"How do you know Gamora?" Loki asks 

"Better question how do you?" I ask

"You first" he says 

"Fine, When I was younger a purple man started to wipe out the planet I was on but only half when I saw Gamora looking at me then ran to find Sif, she was trying to get something" I say

"What was she trying to get? And why were you on the planet?" he asks

"All I know about what she was looking for is that Gamora got to it first and I was only there to help Sif find it. Anyways when the purple man was about to kill me when he stopped, he saw how I was trying to find Sif and didn't even think about it he took me in and I lived with them for years. I helped with his missions and was the only one of his "daughters" who could beat Gamora in a fight. I grew close to Gamora more than Nebula and I tried to avoid Thanos at all costs" I say

"Why?" he asks 

"Easy because every time Nebula lost he replaced a part of her with metal" I say 

"Have you ever lost?" he asks 

"Once" I say and pause. I roll up my sleeve and show him the mark "The only time I ever lost he burned this into my skin" 

"Why did you lose?" he asks 

"Technically I didn't lose, she snapped my neck Loki. I died but somehow I was able to survive it and from what I found out there was something in my blood that made it so I can't stay dead. It was a test Thanos made me go through and when I woke up he burned this into my skin" I say 

"So you can't die?" he asks

"Yes" I say and cover up my arm "So how do you know Gamora?" I ask 

"Met her before I tried to take over New York" he says 

"Not surprised she was the only one he trusted enough to bring to those meetings" I say 

"He didn't trust you?" he asks 

"He trusted me but not with you" I say 

"Why wouldn't he trust you with me?" he asks 

"He knew you were power hungry and that was part of the prophecy" I say 

"What about those?" Loki says pointing to vile and necklace

"Gamora gave me the vile just before Sif found me and brought me back here so I could always be in contact with her if I needed and" I pause 

"And what?" he asks 

"The necklace it has a timer in it. It's what Sif wanted but she doesn't know I have it" I say 

"What is it?" he asks 

"It's called the Serein in ten minutes when I destroy it something is going to happen when it does Run. Like. Hell. Take everyone and everything you care about and get the hell out of here" I say 

"Got it" he says 

I grab my bag and look at my watch 

"I will miss you Loki" I say 

"I'll miss you as well" Loki says and pulls me into a hug

"I'll see you again don't worry about it" I say 

He pulls away and looks as he was about to cry "Goodbye Mia" he says 

"Goodbye Loki" I say and he leaves 

I look outside and see Gamora but then I look down at the Serein and see its about to be on its last tic so I stab it with my knife. It let's out a large blue mist around me, I look out to Gamora and when I look back the blue mist shoots into me. I started to absorb the power from it and I look over at my mirror seeing my eyes turn a bright blue color and everything drops. I hit the floor and see the castle start to fall apart, I look to Gamora and she nods 

"Shit" I say and jump through the window onto the ship and Gamora helps me in 

"Welcome back sister" Nebula says 

"It's good to be back" I say 

Thor's Pov

"Father get everyone out of here" I say and he gets everyone out of the castle 

"What about Mia is she okay?" Mother asks 

"She is okay" I say 

"Good let her do what needs to be done take Jane and get out of here" Mother says 

"I will" I say and run to where I saw Jane go

"Jane?" I say running into the library

"Thor!" she says and runs to me

"We need to leave" I say and grab her hand and the two of us run out of the castle 

As we run out of the castle I see Loki coming down the stairs in tears, he runs out of the castle and over to us.

"S-She's l-leaving" Loki says through his tears 

"It's okay Loki" I say 

"M-Mia s-she t-told m-me to g-go" he says 

Mother pulls him into a hug and he cries on her shoulder. I look back to the castle and I see it fall completely into rubble, I couldn't help but think about Mia and then I saw her jump out of the window and land in the plane with a green girl.

"Where is she going?" Jane asks 

"I-I don't know" I say 

"She's going back to where she belongs" Sif says 

"No" Frigga says 

"What?" I ask 

"She's going back to Thanos" Loki says 

"Now I know what she meant by "It means way more than you think" about when time fractures part of the prophecy" I say 

Your Pov  

"How have you been Mia?" Gamora asks 

"Fine and you two?" I ask 

"As good as I can be" Nebula says 

"We're living" Gamora says 

"And the plan still stands?" I ask 

"It does" Nebula says 

"You found it didn't you?" I ask 

"Yes we did and I burned it to ash" Gamora says

"Good" I say 

"And the Space Stone?" Nebula asks 

"Loki has a fake and I hid the real one" I say 

"Good" Gamora says 

"Now be ready we got a longer flight than you think" Nebula says 

I sat down on one of the seats and slowly drifted off to sleep....

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