Chapter 10 Breakdowns

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A/n: Mia you asked for this (because you said funny) so be readyyyyyy

After Thor decided we were going to Midgard to create New Asgard. It was at least 3 week's worth of time to get to Midgard from where we are now, I walked into mine and Loki's room just to get some sleep after not being able to these past few nights and I saw Loki looking out the window. He looked at peace which was something I haven't seen in months

"I hope I'm not disturbing you" I say as I sit on the bed

"Not at all" Loki says as he walks over to me "You seem tired darling" Loki says while tucking a piece of hair behind my ear

"I haven't slept in days" I say

"Come here" Loki says as he lays back on the bed

I lay back to I am laying on him

(The picture above is the position but also SWITCHING MY POSITIONS FOR YOUUUUU)

After a few minutes I'd fell asleep and honestly the worst part of sleeping is my nightmares

Loki's Pov

After a while Mia had fallen asleep in my arms, though I'll never be good enough for her, she doesn't seem to notice. After a while I fell asleep as well


When I woke up Mia was still in my arms but she was shaking and when I touched her hand it was ice cold, I woke her up seconds later and she looked like she had just got a taste of this frosty gigantic dick


"What's wrong?" Mia asks as she wakes up

"Your hands are ice cold darling you need to warm up" I say and wrap her in a blanket "I'll be back in a few hours I need to speak with my brother alright love?"

"See you when you get back" Mia says then lays back down to go back to sleep

I walk into my brothers room and saw him with Val talking and drinking.

"LiTtLe BrOtHeR tHeRe YoU aRe HoW iS mIa, ShE's SoOo PrEtTy" Thor says clearly drunk

"Val ? You just sat there and let him drink seriously?" I ask

"Well he is the king" Val says while taking another shot

"Don't do anything stupid" I say and walk back into my room to see mia dead passed out on the bed in a blanket burrito.

I decided to call it a night as well and laid down next to her and went to sleep.


Your Pov

I woke up about 3 hours later with a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. Loki looked peaceful sleeping he looked as if he had not a care in the world. I looked over at the clock and it was 4am I tried to go back to sleep but Thor walked into my room seconds later and motioned for me to follow him, I quickly got out of Loki's grasp and followed him into the hallway

"Mia, why doesn't Jane LoVe Me AnYmOrE?" Thor asks I didn't get a good look at him while we were in my room but it was clear to me he had been crying

"Jane loves you trust me alright" my half awake ass says

"She broke up with me weeks ago" Thor says and starts to cry again, as he slides his back down the wall I can tell he's breaking inside and I can see that he isn't okay. He reeks of alcohol and he looks like his world has fallen apart which of course it has but he just needs to let everything out

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask and he nods "Lets go to your room then alright" I say and help him up

"Mia can I ask you something?" Thor asks as we start walking to his room

"You just did but carry on" I say

"What do you see in my brother?" Thor asks

"I mean he's been through so much and all he wants is to prove himself, he has so much love to give but nobody will let him give it. Everyone always by passed him as just "Thor's Younger Brother" I like that he's more to himself rather than being open, he's very respectful and he always lets me make my own choices. He actually cares for me and is just all around an amazing guy, and well he's hot" I say

"You seem like you really love him" Thor says

*start song*

"I'd never thought I would end up with him but somehow I did" I say as we walk into his room

We talked for a while and he cried on my shoulder for a bit but then,

"Do you feel better?" I ask

"A little" Thor says as another tear falls, he was sitting across from me I reached out and wiped a tear off of his face, we locked eyes for a moment and I don't know what came over me but I looked down at his lips as he did mine then he kissed me, quickly leading to a makeout as we moved in sync, I realized I was making out with the man I loves brother. I slowly pulled away and used a spell to lock the door and a silencing charm on the room. Thor slowly pushed me back so I was now laying on the bed rather than sitting in front of him, he then started to kiss my neck and jawline. When he got back to my lips he took off his shirt and he pressed his lips into mine again and I immediately granted him access to my mouth as Thor started to move off of me and back into the bedframe, he then pulled me onto him and I saw a look of lust and enjoyment in his eyes. No matter what thoughts went into my mind about Loki or about how wrong this was it felt more right than any words could explain. Thor unzipped the back of my dress and slowly slid it off my body, gazing down he seemed to have liked what he saw and went back to kissing me but then migrated down my body. I let out a small sound which clearly made him happier, he worked his way to my thighs till we heard a knock on the door.......

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