Chapter 8 Decisions

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play "Ew" by Joji now :)

Your Pov

We had to get "washed" down before putting on our clothes. Gross yellow clothes. We also got a sleeping bag thrown at us walking through the doors.

"You first! You first!"


"Coming for you first, Gamora!"

"You're dead!"

"You're scum! You're scum!" people screamed at us as we walked into the main area

"It's like I said, she's got a rep" Rocket says "A lot of them have lost families to and his goons. She'll last a day, tops."

"The guards will protect her right?" Quill asks

"There here to stop us from getting out, they don't care what we do to each other inside" rocket says

"Whatever nightmares at which the future holds are dreams compared to what's behind me" Gamora says

"Check out the new meat I'm gonna slather you up in jelly" A big blue bitch starts to say but Groot shoves tree branches up his nose and lifts him up

"Let's make something clear! These ones here are our booty" Rocket says while pointing to Quill and I "You wanna get to them, you go through us or more accurately we go through you"

The five of us walk off and Gamora and I go to a specific cell with people yelling horrible things at us as we walked. Once we got in neither of us say a word just sit down. A few hours later we got grabbed during our sleep and were being brought somewhere with knives at our throats.

"Take em down to the showers, it'll be easier to clean up the blood" a guy says and Gamora screams.

"Gamora consider this a death sentence for your crimes against the galaxy" some puny guy says pinning Gamora to the wall with about three other guys around her. They did the same to me just didn't say anything.

"YOU DARE?" a rough voice says from the entrance "You know who I am yes?"

"Your Drax the Destroyer" the puny guy says

"You know why they call me this?" Drax asks

"You slayed dozens of Ronan's minions" the guy says

"Ronan murdered my wife Hovet and daughter Kimeria he slaughtered them where they stood and he LAUGHED! Their lives are not yours to take, he murdered my family I shall kill two of his in return" Drax says and the puny guy hands him a blade. Gamora and I exchange a look and quickly disarm everyone around us and hold the knives to the throats of out captors.

"We are no family to Ronan" Gamora starts

"Or Thanos and we are your only hope at stopping him" I say and the two of us bring down the knives.

Drax then pins me to a wall and yells "WOMAN YOUR WORDS MEAN NOTHING TO ME!"

"Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey!" Quill says

"Oh, crap" I hear Rocket say from behind him

"You know, if your sole purpose is killing Ronan, I don't think this is the best way to go about it" Quill continues

"Are you not the man these wrenches attempted to kill?" Drax asks and tightens the hand around my neck

"Well she's hardly the first woman that tired to do that to me. Look, this is from a smoking hot Rajak girl stab me with a fork. Didn't like me skipping out on her at sunrise. I got, right here a Kree girl tried to rip out my thorax. She caught me with this skinny little A'askavariilan who worked in Nova Records" Quill says and rants for another couple minutes until realizing Drax AND I don't care AND ALSO HELLO I'M KIND OF BEING STRANGLED HERE? "Point is she betrayed Ronan he's and when he does that's when you" Quill stops and motions cutting off his head

"why would I put my finger on his throat?" Drax asks

"What?" Quill asks "Oh No it's a symbol this is a symbol for slicing his throat

"I would not slice his throat I would cut his head off clean" Drax says

"it's a generic expression for you killing somebody have you ever heard of this you've seen this right you know what this is?" Quill asks the other people in the room

"Yeah yeah" the guys says

"Everyone knows-" Quill cuts himself off realizing Drax is tightening his grip around my throat "no no what I'm saying is you want to keep her life don't do his work for him" Quill says and Drax releases the hand on my throat and I fall to the ground coughing. Gamora runs to me making sure I am okay

"I like your knife I'm keeping it" Drax says and walks away

"That was my favorite knife" the guy says

"Listen I could care less whether you live or whether you die" Quill says as the four of us are walking back

"Then why stop the big guy?" I ask

"Simple cause you know where to sell my orb" Quill says

"How how are we going to sell it when we and it are still here?" Gamora asks

"My friend Rocket here he's escaped 22 prisons" Quill says

"Oh, we're getting out and then we're heading straight to Yondo do to retrieve your bounty" Rocket says pointing to Quill

"How much was your buyer willing to pay you for my Orb?" Quill asks

"Four billion units" I say

"What?" Rocket yells

"Holy shit" Quill says

"That Orb is our opportunity to get away from Thanos and Ronan, if you free us well lead you to the buyer directly and we'll split the profit between the four of us" Gamora says

"I am Groot" Groot says

"The five of us, asleep for the danger, awake for the money, as per freakin usual" Rocket says

To shorten this prison thing down rocket got us out we tried to sell the Orb but we're ambushed and then after everything Quill had a freaking dance battle with Ronan. I like these people yes but hell i'm going back to Asgard....

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