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Waking up on a bright Monday feels the worse, not only because it's a Monday but my manager, Tenya Iida has opened the blinds allowing the sunlight in. My beauty sleep has been disrupted by none other then my robot manager. "Get up Midoriya, we don't have all day. You have to go meet with the everyone in the studio plus the cast that you'll be working with, you also need to get the script!" Iida shouts while shoving me.

"Fine! I'm up just stop shaking me," I respond as I slowly get out of bed. Iida crosses his arms and leaves my room, I bet he's making me breakfast. I go to my bathroom and take a quick shower, once I'm done I brush my teeth then go to my closet. I need something decent to wear but will also impress everyone.

I find some grey plaid pants and a faded green polo shirt, I throw those on and tuck my shirt in my pants. I grab a tan trench coat and some shoes, I walk out and look at the omelet that Iida made on the table. I walk over to it and sit down, I quickly eat it.

"So first thing today that could take most of the morning is meeting everyone for the show, after that you are going for your rehearsal at the concert hall. Don't worry they'll be about an hour and a half for you to eat lunch," Iida says as he red off his papers.

"Sounds good, as long as I have time to eat I'm happy," I tell him as I take my plate to the kitchen, I quickly wash it and meet Iida at the door. I put my shoes on and we leave, the car ride to the studio took a while but it was a good amount of time to pull myself together.

"We're here," Iida says as he gets out of the car. He comes around and opens the door for me, I step out. Iida walks in front of me as we make our way into the studio, Iida opens the door to a room. I step in and everyone stands up, many come up to me a greet me.

"Hello everyone, I hope we can all get along and work well together," I say with a bow as everyone agrees.

"Thank you for agreeing to take part in this show, Deku," a man says to me. "I'm the director, Shota Aizawa."

"No, thank you for choosing me," I say as we shake hands. I go and sit down, everyone chats with one another. I recognize the girl beside me, she's Tsuyu Asui an adorable and great actress. "Your Tsuyu Asui, correct? I'm pleased to be working on a show with such a great actress."

"Yes, thank you. You can just call me Tsu, I'm fan of your music. You always have songs that can work with any mood," she says as we shake hands.

"It's cause I write lyrics no matter what mood I am in, sad, happy, angry. It all just works out for me," I tell her as she agrees with a nod. "Are we still waiting for someone?"

"Yep, they said he was going to be late which is no surprise," she says as I tilt my head in confusion.

"Who-" before I could finish what I'm saying someone comes into the room. It's a blonde boy with spiky hair and bright red eyes, he seems to also have scowl on his face. Everyone goes up to him like they did when I came in, they greet him. He only gives them one word replies, which is pretty rude.

"He's actually not late for once," Tsu says beside me, so this is who she was talking about.

"Thank you agreeing to take part in this show even though you're quite busy, Dynamight," Aizawa says and I instantly stand up catching people's attention.

"So your Dynamight," I say more to myself than to anyone else.

"Yeah and who are you?" he asks as he walks over to me.

"I'm Deku," once I tell him who I am his eyes widen and he smirks.

"So your Deku," he says in a mocking tone from when I said his name. We then glare at each other and everyone in the room becomes worried, Iida quickly pulls me away and pushes me back in my chair.

"Ok, it seems that you two already don't like each other which will cause a problem. But I have a suggestion," Aizawa says as he's now the only one standing. He rubs his temples and sighs, "You are welcome to ignore each other and all that shit off camera but when you are on camera you must do your best to work with each other."

I think for a second, I guess it's reasonable. I nod in agreement, Dynamight then does the same. He's at the top of the music chart right now but last week it was me, it's been like this for a long time now. Our companies have now made it a competition and so now that we've met, we already don't like each other. I'm not surprised.

I don't really care but because he already mocked me, I don't like him. As I was in thought the scripts were handed out, I look at my script and see what part I'm playing. As I suspected I'm one of the main roles, Keiji Sugita. I then look at who everyone else is playing, Dynamight is playing my characters childhood friend, Hideki Morishita. The main character of the whole show, Yumiko Wakabayashi, is played by Tsu.

I didn't realize before but there is a lot of popular artists, actor and actresses in this show. Denki Kaminari is playing Ryoma Ishiyama, Momo Yaoyorozu is playing Misoka Nagamatsu, Red Riot is playing Kenjiro Fujimoto, Pinky is playing Kiyumi Uyemura, and Shoto Todoroki is playing Hajime Serizawa.

I then look at the plot and I realize that my character, Keiji, is nothing like my personality. He's more laid back and doesn't care about anything, which makes it a bit challenging for me since I'm the opposite. Although there are somethings I have in common with him but it's not a lot, I'll try my best though.

I continue to read the plot to understand what will be happening. Keiji, my character, is Tsu's character, Yumiko, crush but he has no interest in her at all. But Dynamight's character, Hideki, has a crush on Yumiko and is constantly asking Keiji to bring the two of them closer. 

Keiji joins a music club since he has a liking towards music, Yumiko joins because Keiji joins. Then Hideki joins because of Yumiko. They then meet the others in the club, everyone else's character. It's a cute drama and love story show, not something I would watch but it's fine.

I close the script and look at the title, The Music Club. Simple, reminds me of the Breakfast Club's title, I chuckle to myself. We then go over when the filming starts, we have a few weeks until the filming. We have to still come in at times for clothing measurements and other things which I don't mind.

Now that I think about it why am I playing Keiji? He seems better for Dynamight to play, I can probably play Hideki better since his personality is at least closer to mine. Once the meeting was over I walk over to Aizawa, the director. "Excuse me," I say to get his attention. He looks at me and I continue to talk, "When looking over the characters in the script, don't you think I can play Hideki better and Dynamight can play Keiji better?"

"That's what I thought at first too but both of your agencies reached out to me and asked me to put you both in roles that are opposite to you both," Aizawa says as he packs up to leave.

"Ok, thank you for telling me," I tell him as I walk to the door where Iida was waiting for me. We leave the room but I then get pulled to an area, I look at who it is. Dynamight, "Iida, I'll meet you at the car," I tell him as he carries on. "What do you want?" I ask as I cross my arms.

"You better not get in my way, broccoli head. Our roles may have us get along but I'll do my best to crush you in performance," Dynamight tells me as he gets close to my face.

I chuckle, "Sure, I've never seen you act so just try your best," I pat his shoulder and turn around, I start walking to the exit. I then turn around to face the angry blonde, "Have a great day, Dynamight."

Half-edited, sorry for mistakes.
Honestly I had no idea how to start this story, I know exactly what I want to do... further in the story. It took me forever to figure out how to start this, I don't think it's great tbh. But I can guarantee that as the story develops it'll get better. Also! If someone is introduced with their hero name it means they are a artist and if they are their regular names it means that they're an actor or actress. Hope that makes sense, Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 1571

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