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Katsuki Bakugou POV
I know my feelings for Deku are real, they are very real. Just today he came up to me to say good morning and let's work hard today, along with more sappy morning crap. When I was saying good morning back, I stuttered! I fucking stuttered! I don't fucking stutter!

One of Deku's scenes ends and he walks over to me... wait! He's walking over to me, why is he walking over to me? He should be going over to his manger or some shit, not me. Why me? "Hi, Kacchan. How was my scene? Do you think I should redo it? I'm not sure if I liked it," he's asking for my opinion.

"Uh, well... y-you did great, Zuzu. Maybe redo it and put more passion into your argument, you are meant to scare Tsu's character. Don't be afraid to let that anger out," I tell him while attempting to keep myself together.

"You're right! I'll do it better next time," he says while pumping a fist in the air, I chuckle at his enthusiasm. He walks over to the director, he's talking about redoing the scene. I take some breaths, I want this day to end already!

"Yo, Bakubabe!" I look up at Camie as she's holding a Starbucks drink with a smirk on her face. I glare at her in return which just makes her laugh and me more annoyed, she then sits down beside me.

"Don't call me that and definitely not at work, it's Dynamight when we're working," I tell her, she just rolls her eyes in return.

"Yeah, whatever. But you obviously like him," she says while sipping on her drink.

"H-huh?! H-how?" I ask in shock, I know my face is also pretty red right now.

"Oh, come on! I've watched you interact with so many celebrities. He's the only one that gave you a nickname which he made because he's now one of the few who know your real name. You stutter a lot when he's mentioned or when you are talking with him, which is also another thing! You talk with him a lot and I mean a lot, more than you've ever talked to me and I find that offensive by the way!" Camie tells me as I just rub my hands on my face before sighing.

"So... what should I do?" I ask her quietly but she heard and she almost squealed since I'm talking to her about personal stuff for once.

"Yay! I get to finally give you dating advice! Oh, this is the best day of work. Ok, first. Slowly hint to him that you at least like being around him, try not to stutter and make it obvious that your nervous. Then when you feel ready just ask him to dinner or something, not the movies, don't do the movies. From there you just have to do the best you can," she says with pure enthusiasm.

"Jeez, did you prepare that speech or something?" I ask as she just giggles.

"Of course not, silly... maybe a little," she admits as I just sigh and stand up. I walk over to where Deku is talking with Iida, he looks up at me and smiles. Iida just waves at me, I wait for them to finish their conversation.

Once they were done, Iida walks away and Deku looks up at me. "What's up, Kacchan?" he asks as I take a deep breath.

"Wanna go over some scenes together right now?" I ask and right when I finish speaking his eyes light up.

"Yes!" he says with the happiest expression I've ever seen. I sit across from him, we start going over scenes. I was having a good time and seemed like Deku was too, "Hey, Kacchan. I'm glad that we could spend this small amount of time together."

He smiles and I half-smile back, the director calls for Tsu and Deku back on set. Soon the scene started and the whole set went quiet. "Sugita-kun, please. Just tell me what's going on?" Tsu shouts at Deku who stops walking away from her.

"Wakabayashi, you won't understand. No one does..." Izuku says the last part in a low and quiet voice making small shivers go up my spine.

"Then help me understand! I want to help you, Sugita-kun... please," she begs while getting closer to Deku.

"No!" Deku shouts perfectly, his characters inner emotions are coming out and he's displaying that perfectly.

"Why not?" Tsu asks as she stops in front of Deku.

"I don't have to tell you anything, you don't need to know anything. Just leave me alone," Deku is acting this scene just like I would, amazing.

"But the club!" Tsu shouts back as Deku starts walking away.

"It's just a club!" he shouts back as Tsu runs up to him grabbing his wrist.

"No, it's not. We've all grown so close, we can't just let you go like this. Come on, Sugita-kun. Do you really want to quit music?" she asks as if he's going to just come back to her.

"I do and you nor Hide can stop me," Deku spits at her and walks off the set. The camera pans to Tsu who falls on the ground and starts crying, her character is to feel like she's being rejected.

"And cut! Amazing job, Deku. That was much better than last time," Aizawa shouts as Deku smiles proudly at the director. Deku then runs over to me and smiles proudly at me but the smile was much larger than the one he gave the director.

"Kacchan, your advice really helped. Thank you," he says with his beaming smile.

"You're welcome but I have a question," I tell him while getting all my confidence ready.

"Ok, what is it?" he asks getting a bit more serious.

"Wanna have dinner with me this evening?"

Unedited, sorry for mistakes.

Word count: 987

That Wasn't Meant To Happen | A BakuDeku Story |Where stories live. Discover now