Chapter 4: Hello Father, Hello Son

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A new week had begun and the ladies of Sugarbaker's design firm were hoping to get caught up before the weekend came as Anthony came in to give Julia the paperwork for Charlene to file in their customer's folder.

"Why do I have to go and babysit an iguana with Anthony?" Suzanne asked her sister.

"Because our dear friend asked you to while she went grocery shopping and Anthony has to get a list of measurements for the redo of her bedroom." Julia said.

"I don't like lizards." Suzanne said.

"Suzanne, quit being dramatic and go out to the van." Julia said as her sister pouted.

"You owe me big for this." Suzanne slammed the door behind her.

"Thank you Julia." Mary Jo said as she was proudly grinning over the fact that she didn't have to watch their client's iguana.

"No problem Mary Jo." Julia said.

"Say, what if Anthony put the iguana on her?" Mary Jo asked, laughing.

"I don't think that would be wise. He'll probably have to wax her legs again." Julis said as she didn't even want to think about that.

"Why can't she shave them like the rest of us?" Mary Jo questioned.

"She says that shaving doesn't help her get the precise smoothness that she wants." Julia said as Anthony came downstairs as he dreaded riding in a van with Suzanne.

"I can't wait to come back home. Suzanne drives me crazy every time we come back from watching Mrs. Frickey's iguana." Anthony said.

"Better her than me.'' Mary Jo said.

"No, it's like hearing the sound of nails on a chalkboard." Anthony kissed Julia goodbye and left.


Some time had passed as a knock came to the door.

Charlene answered it as she recognized who it was.

"Hello Charlene." The man said.

"Julia?" Charlene called to the top of the stairs as Julia was in her bedroom, looking for her catalogue.

"What is Charlene?" Julia asked as Charlene hesitated to answer her back.

"Anthony's father is here." Charlene said as Julia came down the stairs.

"Oh my goodness! How are you?" Julia said as she was in disbelief, seeing Anthony's father standing there.

"I'm good now since I have seen you Julia." He said.

"Anthony is out right now. What are you doing back here in Atlanta?" Julia asked.

"Julia, I've been doing a lot of thinking and I want to be here for Anthony all the time. Lately, I've been looking for work and I want to be close to Anthony." He said.

"Anthony got your letter and he wants you to be in his life too. The last time you were here was before Anthony and I got together." Julia said.

"I want to make it up to him for not coming to the wedding and not being here like I'm supposed to." He said.

"I think he'd like that." Julia said as she hoped and prayed.

"I heard I was also going to be a grandfather?" He questioned as Julia smiled, really praying that this visit was really sincere.

"That's correct." Julia said.

"Anthony has always wanted a child, after speaking with Dondi, I knew he'd always find someone like you and I'm glad he has you." He said.

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