Chapter 6: Someone Always Disapproves

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Julia, the ladies ad Anthony got invited to one the most celebrated design experiences of their lives as they made sure they had everything ready to go before they left because someone always forgot something.

"Ladies, are y'all ready?" Anthony asked.

"Yes darling, we're just waiting on Suzanne to get here." Julia said as she knew her sister would be late.

"I thought she was told to set an alarm like the rest of us?" Mary Jo questioned.

"I told her last night before she went home and I called this morning and after five phone calls and one maid lecture later, she's about to be here." Julia said.

"Consuela lectured you." Mary Jo asked.

"No, I told her if she did not get Suzanne out of bed that I would put her on diaper and bottle duty when our baby came." Julia said as she put her hand on her stomach to feel her daughter move around.

"Imagine Suzanne feeding and changing that baby. Julia, just a word of advice, don't let her." Mary Jo said as Julia made sure she and Anthony had everything they needed.

"You don't have to tell me twice Mary Jo." Julia said as Suzanne walked through the door a moment later.

"Suzanne, you were supposed to be here two hours ago." Julia said.

"Sorry Julia, but I was having a bad hair day." Suzanne said.

"Yeah, well I want to get to the hotel early. All the good rooms get booked up and I'm not about to share a room with you again Suzanne." Julia said as Anthony wrapped his arms around her.

"Yeah, I like the idea of me actually waking up next to my wife." Anthony said as Julia felt their baby move along with his hands.

"Is she moving around a lot?" Charlene asked.

"Oh yes!" Julia said as Charlene felt her move.

"Well, I'm glad Ms. Philipott could watch Olivia for you." Julia said.

"Me too, because they are just entirely too many people there and she started developing stranger anxiety here recently." Charlene said.

"Well, if we want to stay ahead of schedule, beat traffic and get good hotel rooms without crowds leading from the desk to the lobby door, then we better get going." Mary Jo said as they gathered their things.


Anthony drove while Julia sat in the passenger seat while the ladies sat in the back, either reading or looking at the scenery passing by them.

"How's everyone doing?"

"Fine back here Anthony." Charlene said as Suzanne was asleep on her shoulder while she read.

"Baby?" He asked Julia.

"Doing fine darling. I think I'm gonna take a nap." Julia said as she got comfortable in her seat.

"How are you doing Anthony?" Mary Jo asked him.

"I'm fine. I'll just be glad to get there after while." Anthony said as he did not like long trips, especially since he was the one driving.


They finally arrived at their destination as they checked into their rooms and adjusted as Julia was almost asleep when she felt Anthony slip her shoes off and rub her feet.

"Mhmm... That feels amazing!" Julia moaned as Anthony laid beside her as she turned on her side and rested her head on his chest.

"This is even better." He said as he always dreamed of her sleeping on his chest at these kind of events.

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