Chapter 12: Thanksgiving

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Thursday had finally came as Anthony and Julia were in the kitchen preparing their feast as Payne and Sylvie came down.

"Good morning mom, Anthony."

"Good morning darlings. Coffee anyone?"

"Sure." Payne said as Julia fixed them two cups and set it down.

"How's dinner coming along?"

"Great! We'll be eating at six."

"Is everyone still coming that were invited?"

"Yes, hopefully Mary Jo will too."

"She might have plans mom."

"I know Mary Jo darlin' and I still worry about her."

"That's what your mama always did was worry about you, me and everyone else she loved." Anthony said as Julia laid her head on his shoulder.

"She always made sure everyone came before her and all the time that I have known her, she never stopped worrying."

"I always worry because that's my job as a mother, wife, friend and boss."

"Mom, for long as I have lived, you never made anything about you and that just shows how selfless you are and that makes you the best mother, wife, friend and boss."

"And we love her for everything she is."

That we do."


Everyone came around five o'clock that evening just as Anthony put the turkey on the table.

"Mary Jo, we're so happy to have y'all."

"Well, it's tradition and we decided to bring a few things just in case you run out of something."

"That was really sweet of you."

"How are you feeling Aunt Julia?" Claudia asked her.

"I'm feeling great sweetheart, now I heard you got straight A's on your first semester term?"

"Yeah, but it's nothing."

"It most certainly is sweetheart." Julia said.

"How about you Quint, my man?" Anthony asked him.

"I'm good too. I got a crush on a girl."

"Oh really, what is she like?"

"She's really pretty and we eat lunch together everyday."

"That sounds very familiar."

"Yeah, that sounds like you and Aunt Julia." Quint said as Julia blushed and Anthony kissed her cheek.

"Well, that's very true Quint and I enjoy spending all my time with your Aunt Julia."

"And I feel the same way about your Uncle Anthony." Julia said.

"Is everyone ready for dessert?" Suzanne asked.

"Is it your infamous maroon dish mom was telling me about?" Payne asked his aunt.

"No, it's a pie.''

"This shall be interesting." Julia said


Everyone finished with dessert as they started cleaning when a knock came to the door.

"I wonder who that is." Julia wondered as she went and opened the door to see Bill, Charlene and Olivia.

"Hi Charlene. We weren't expecting y'all.''

"Well Charlene told me about this being a tradition and it's true because ever since we got married and we've had Olivia, we've been here every Thanksgiving."

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