Chapter 15: The Greatest Gift of All

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Julia had been in labor for a few hours and was now dilated to six centimeters as she was ready to have her precious baby girl, the child she longed for long before and after Hayden passed away.

"How much longer?" Suzanne asked.

"She has to be ten centimeters dilated before she can push." Mary Jo said.

"Julia, would you hurry up and have my niece already." She said as she earned one of Julia's infamous glares.

"Suzanne, don't you think I'm tryin'?"

"Not really, no."

"Well, for your information Suzanne. I'm not fully dilated yet and I'm not in the mood for your antics this morning, okay?"

"Just hurry up and have her."

"I can't ever imagine you becoming a mom." Charlene said to Suzanne.

"Noel is like my child."

"See Julia, I don't know if I'd trust leaving your baby with Suzanne, alone."

"Don't worry, we'll keep an eye on every move she makes." Anthony said as he held Julia's hand.


Another hour rolled by and Julia was dilated to seven centimeters as she felt her epidural slowly wear off as Anthony got her anything she requested.

"It's crazy how a few months ago, we were scared to have a baby and now, I'm at ease." Julia said.

"I'm still scared."

"There's nothing to be terrified of darlin', just listen to the doctor and nurses and after they lay her on my chest, the panic of being a new parent will vanish."

"I don't know about that. Lamaze class was a terrifying experience because everyone looked at us as if we did something wrong and that I never became a father until now."

"Darlin', that's not your fault. I'm going to tell you something that might put you at ease."

"It can't be as bad as that."

"It's not. When I was pregnant with Payne and I went into labor, Hayden was terrified too because he was becoming a new daddy."

"What did he do to get over the fear?"

"He held Payne and all of the pain I went through to bring him into this life and the panic of being a new father went away." Julia said as Anthony felt much better.

"Three more centimeters honey and you'll be having her soon enough."

"I feel my epidural wearing off, so I'm getting close." Julia said as her doctor walked in.

"How are you feeling Julia?"

"I'm ready to have my baby." She said as everyone smiled.

"Any pains as of right this moment?"

"I feel her moving around, but no sudden contractions."

"You'll feel them as soon as the epidural wears off."

"Now, who is going to be with you in the delivery room?"

"My husband and Mary Jo."

"Are you sure?" Mary Jo asked her.

"Of course Mary Jo."

"What about Charlene?" Mary Jo asked.

"Someone has to watch Suzanne and Bernice." Julia said.

"I do not need a babysitter Julia." Suzanne protested.

"Yes you do. I don't want any altercations to occur while I'm not with you two."

Sugarbaker's: Lover's LaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora