🖤Chapter 5 - Everyone🖤

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Himiko woke up first. She slowly opened her eyes, to see blue marks Ochaco's neck. It took her a second to remember what had happened, and when she did she blushed intensly. I don't want to wake her up. I'll just lie here till she does it herself. She lay there, gazing at Ochaco, so glad they were able to make it up to eachother. Ochaco mumbled a little and turned to look into Himiko's beautiful yellow eyes, making her go an even darker shade of scarlet. "I'm awake Himiko-chan." She said, both of them giggling a little. After a bit of silence, Ochaco looked down and said "I never really got to ask y-y-you Himiko, w-will you be m-my g-girlfriend? This time Ochaco was the red one. Himiko kissed her on the lips and said, "ohhh Ochaco Darling!! Of course I will!" Ochaco audibly exhaled. "I was worried you'd turn me down." Himiko gave her a skeptical look. "Silly darling! We've kissed a bit passionately already Ochaco, of course i'd say yes!!" They both blushed at this comment. "What do you say we go tell everyone?" "Sure!"

After about an hour of waking up and getting dressed and doing other morning things, they left Ochaco's dorm and went out to the lounge area. "There you are Ura!" Momo and mina said in unisom. Both of them giving her a hug. The others just waved. Himiko bristled at the hugs, but passed them off as hugs of friendship. Momo, mina, and the others in the room looked to toga and a few looked a bit scared, and one or two looked happy. "You said you needed some time in your dorm alone." Mina said, looking accusingly at toga. Toga stepped up, "She was alone most of the time, we just comforted each other last night!" She said, a dissaproving tone in her voice. Jirou looked at Ochacos neck, and winked at her. Mina looked unconvinced, but sat down irregardless. "So did you have somehting to tell us?" Todoroki said. "Yes, we do. Everyone, i'd like you to meet my new girlfriend! Ex-villian Himiko Toga!" Toga gave her a cute little kiss on the cheek to emphasize.

"Thats so great you guys! You two are going to be so cute together!" Momo said. Himiko and Ochaco went on a date together after telling everyone, mineta got elbowed in the ribs a bunch, then they all went to karaoke and had the night of their lives.

Hai! This chapter was suuuuuper tiny compared to the other ones, but i legit just wanted them telling eveyone be an entire chapter. Kinda like how the prologue is a s i n g l e  k i s s and its like 800 words. Anyway, i'm rambling, chapter 6 is coming soon, have a good saturday frens!


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