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Before Your Read- Guys, I know this is short, and there isn't much description but I WANT IT THIS WAY. This is just a short piece of a chapter that will be up later on in the story. It's a prologue, and i like my prologue's to be short, sweet, before you get into the chapter.

Thanks guys !

          I spit out a bloody cough as the two men that I once knew as my amigos, tossed me out onto the cold ground in front of them.

          I rolled over, groaning in pain. Every part of my body felt like shit. My lips where busted, knees aching and I was pretty sure my right arm was broken.

          I don't know why they where letting me out el agujero, from what i know, I should be dead right about now. Beaten, broken and sent out with a bullet threw my head. But, I was here, eyes barley opened, as I let the cool of the floor ease my body.

"Jace," the voice of twenty angles sang my names.

          Around my was fuzzy and white, like I was on a single cloud, effortlessly floating threw the air. I could feel my self going in and out, eyes glazing over once every few second. Fight. I needed to fight this. I wouldn't got out just because they wanted to. I may be battered and broken, but i wasn't going to give up now.

          I knew the voice, better then any thing. I could almost feel her around me, breath in her warm lavender smell. Feel the touch of her skin against my body. But as realization sank in, so did my anger. She was here, when I told her never to come. I knew I should have never showed her this place. I knew she would some how find her way back, if anything where to happen this would be the fist place she would go. Estúpida. Stupid girl.

          "Here he is, now keep your promises pretty girl. I would hate to have to hurt you." Paco's voice traveled around me slowly, enmity shouting threw my body like a rocket. I could feel the fire running threw my bruised body as I shifted around on the ground. Why couldn't I get up? Why couldn't I make anything on my body work? I growled in frustration. Forcing my mouth open.

          "Don't touch her." I spit, pain shooting threw me as I attempted to raise from my spot, instantly I was kicked back down, silver flames licking my body as the foot connected, sending me back to the icy concrete.

"Stop!" She screams. Her voice is as strong as she can make it, but I could hear the agony behind it. She wants to be strong, she always wants to be strong.

Right now, her presents is the only thing keeping me from falling out. Knowing she's here,endangered, is the only thing keeping my eyes open. If Paco was so much as to lay a finger on her, I would break every bone in the mans body.

"My patience is wearing thin, the money kid."

“He's not up.” She says

Bu,t I could here in Paco's voice that things are not going his way. Paco's a man of many lies, and if things don't go right, they are sure to go left, and left is never right.

“Listen chica, you asked for the boy and that's what you got. I don't play to many games, and the games I do play, don't end to happy.”

          “Eres un cono.” I laugh humorlessly as I roll over on my side. I get another kick, but this time its winds me and leaves me holding my stomach, gasping for air.

“You want your money, get him up.”

“No sweetheart, shit just doesn't work like that.”

           Slowly the world around me gets slow as I see whats happening. Paco draws a gun out on her, and slowly she gasps. There is nothing she can do, no where she can run and deep down I know this is my fault. I brought her here. I showed her this place, and I let her in. Letting people in was something that I never did, and the one time I open up, it ends like this.

           I fight my body, forcing it to do something, move, yell, anything. Slowly I wriggle on my hands and knees and as I do, the sounds fire off.


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