Chapter Four: Take a Stick and Shove it Up Your Bieber Sized Ego

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Charater Picture- Kenny

Waiting for the bus, is like waiting for the world to end. You get a date and time it's suppose to come and you wait, and just when you think everything going to happen it doesn't.

I hate public transportation! I hate my dad, and I hate detention!

I look down at my phone, checking the time again. It was almost four thirty and here I was, standing in the blasting sunlight waiting for a fucking bus.

I tap my foot impatiently, looking up the empty road for any sign of me getting out of here, and when I don't see anything, I face palm completely defeated.

You just had to be the rebel didn't you Vegas? You just had to go to that party and be a rebel. You couldn't have just said no Kayla, I don't wanna go to a party could you? No you couldn't.

When I realize the bus is not coming, I start the long journey home on foot. Now you may ask, Vegas why don't you call someone to pick you up? Well the answer to your question is, everyone I know is unavailable. Kenny and Kendall don't know how to pick up a phone unless there current screw is the on on the line. Kayla's at work, Dad's at work and Mom, well who knows where the hell she is.

So that leaves me, alone with my thoughts and my soon to be sore feet. The first day of senior year didn't really go as planed. I'm sure my teachers hate me, seeing as I spent most of my time behind my sun glasses trying to get a little sleep. I got a detention, one of which I was guessing would be many. And Mr. Druggy was after me.

Okay, I was being over dramatic, he wasn't so much after me as I thought he was. Since our little in counter at MY table, I couldn't keep my eyes from looking for him, and every time I did, he was staring dead at me. I mean really, didn't anyone ever teach kids these days not to stare? It was just plain rude.

I stopped dead, eyes catching the sight of Mr. Druggy on the corner with some random guy. The random guy had a fat stack of money palmed in his hands. From what I would see he looked like the kind of guy my dad would work with. His hair was neat, dressed in suit and tie he was standing next to a silver sports car that looked like it ran pretty fast. Yet, here he was, buying drugs from Mr. Druggy himself.

Okay Vegas, you've got to start calling the guy by his name.

Mr. Druggy, aka Jace looked bored as he waited for the dressed up man to comply, flipping the money in his hands as he counted it. When he was done, Jace handed over the bag of green before giving him the guy nodd and turning around, eyes falling right, on, me.

Did I mention my spy skill sucks?

Instantly I froze, my body felt hot, my head was spinning and all I wanted to do was run. But, with my kegs not working and my knees feeling like jello, it was only a matter of second before he was dead in front of me, eyes burning with anger.

"Are you fucking following me?" He asked, so much acid in his voice I feared he was going to hit me. I have never been scared of someone. All my life, I have been picked on and steped over but never once was I scared. With Jace however, I feared for my life every time he looked at me.

"N-no I-I-"

"You-You?" He mocked my stuttering, giving me the bitch-spit-it-out look. Can you say ass hole?

"Who the hell are you to talk to me like that?" I asked, this guy was pressing my buttons. I mean really, okay I caught him selling, so what? Its not like it was a big secret that Jace Vince sold drugs? Plenty of people saw him do it before, so why was I getting the shitty end of the stick?

"I'm Jace Vince, and I repeat. I do what I want."

"Well, Jace Vince, take a stick and shove it up your Bieber sized ego cause I'm not having your shit. You might walk over everyone else but not me Vince, I'm not scared of you."

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