Chapter Seven: Don't Take Shit From a Guy With as Much Balls as My Bitch

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           If I thought riding on the back of Jace's motorcycle was scary, I clearly never seen him behind the wheel. And never seen him drunk.

            Now, before you get on me about getting in he car with a drunk driver, I have to say I honestly thought nothing of it, that was till we where speeding down the road going about eighty-five in a thirty-five zone. I mean really, I know you have a fast car, but only this asshole would do so much as speed to show it off.

           “Slow the hell down Tony Fast!” I shout, wrapping my arms around the back of my seat and holding on for dear life. I was sure that this was the only thing keeping me in place as he hit every sharp turn and pressed down on the gas every time I made a sound.

          “Calm down Princess, I'm a drug dealer remember. If you think I haven't been in a few high speed chases in my day, you're wrong.”

           I shut my eyes tight, bitting down on my bottom lip. I have been in almost four near death expediences in the last week then I ever even thought possible, and it was all thanks to the guy who thought life wasn't fun if you didn't live on the edge.

          “Yea well not with me in the car Mr. I-do-what-I-want. I'm not ready to die just yet, I haven't even been to prom.”

              My words are joking, but my voice says it all. There was so much I haven't done and I'm just not ready to see my life flash before my eyes. All I want to do is make it out alive, and if I can't do that, I was sure to pay Jace a visit in hell.

“You really need to learn to live Baby Doll. You haven't seen nothin' yet.”

             I could almost hear the smile in his voice, but I choose not to open my eyes, in fear that I would see the tree that would kill me. Asshole.

             When I feel the car stop moving, I peek one eye open. Slowly I realize we are deep some where, some where with large tree's and leaves everywhere, and I knew we where outside of Miami. What the hell? Was this boy going to kill me out here? I mean it was the perfect setting, I had been missing for days anyways, and now he was going to finish the job, take a gun to my head and kill me. They he would barry me out in the woods where no one would ever find me.

Again, I had a way to over active imagination.

           When I here the door shut, I look over to see Jace's seat empty. He waves me out from in front of the car and I figure, if he was going to kill me, he would do t no matter what.

            I got out of the car, meeting Jace in front. I took a quick look around before looking back at Jace. Clearly he could see it in my face that the woods where not my thing.

            He laughed, shaking his head at my fear as he grabbed my hand. I felt my eyes go wide and my face go hot. Jace Vince, boy boy, drug dealer was holding my hand. And he said he was the Tin Man.

“Don't worry, the bears out here arn't that big.” He smiled before pulling me along.

            Bears? How the hell did I forget about Bears! I swear if this boy let me get ate by a bear, he was going down with me and I would make sure his head was the first to go. Murderers are all good and fun, but bears are something else. Because I would never make the news if someone found me dead from a bear attack.

The night felt cooler out here, the trees bringing down a genial glow on the dry crunchy leaves.

          I hold Jace's hand tighter and lean closer as he pulls me farther in the wooded area. I try to ignore the comfort I feel from just holding his hand out here. Some how I felt safer just holding on to him. Ironic I know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2013 ⏰

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