Chapter Five: Because When Life Sucks, Looking at Mila Kunis Always Helps

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          It's nearly nine pm when Jace pulls up in front of my house. Somehow I went from being kidnapped and forced to eat to enjoying the company I had from Jace and talking about any and everything. I found out he was fairly new to town, only getting here a year ago with his family that consists of his mother, brother and little sister. He didn't talk about his dad, and I didn't ask. If someone asked about somebody I didn't mention, I would feel kind of awkward. I also told Jace about my family, moving to New York, coming back but leaving out how horrifying this family really was.

Only this morning, I would have never thought I would talk to Jace. The drug dealing hotty, but don't judge a book by its cover right?

I hop off of the sexy death trap, freeing my hair from the helmet and fluffing it. Because helmet hair is so not sexy.

           I look over to Jace, who is just watching me, smirk clear on his face. Talk about a crazy stalker shall we? I avert my gaze, looking everywhere but him as his eyes run over me. My super short short, my lose tank too that hung slightly, I mean I was practically half naked and for the first time to today I could feel my body heat under his gaze.

           "Stop that." I shout when I can't take it any more. I don't want him to look at me like that because I feel nervous and I've never been nervous around a guy. Never. And he wasn't about to be the first one to make me like that.

           He smirk only grew as he got off his bike and took a step in my direction. Instantly I could feel everything in my stomach flip. Oh chilly cheese fries, please don't come up on this boys shoes. Not only would that be bad, but my mom would make me clean up the drive way. 

           I watched him as he stopped in front of me, body towering over me, I kept my eyes on the ground. We where now so close I could feel the heat rolling off his body in the cool night. I took a breath as he took another step forward, trapping me against the wall and the large beefy cage that is his body.

Yay life.

           I keep my breathing under control, I refuse to let this boy get the best of me. Not now, not ever. 

           "You're putting yourself in a bad spot Vegas." His voice is low and sweet as I breath in the smell of his cologne. The smell is sweet, yet masculine I I take in another smell of the stuff. 

Great Vegas, now your sniffing him like a crack addict. 

          "Yeah? And how is that?" My voice doesn't surprise me as it comes out low and shaky. Fuck!

"There are rules in this life, rules that you aren't quite getting the hang of." 

            My body reacts with his as he moves closer, bringing his face down to mine, I can feel my face moving closer as well.

              "Rule number one," he whispers against my earlobe, giving it a light nibble. I suppress the sound that threatens to come out of me. I bite down on the inside of my lip, nodding my head slightly at his words.

"Never let your guard down."

           And that was it, as my body was shaking with pure pleasure, I broke. Rule number one had been broken, I let my guard down so easy as he was clear in my personal space, face so close to mine.

            He gave me that sexy smirk as he took walked backward to his bike and I was glued to my spot against the wall of my house.

"See you around baby doll."

           The house looked exactly jaw it should. Mom was in the kitchen, warming up "dinner" in the oven. Dad was sitting at the head of the table with his papers laid out in front of him, hand on his head as he tapped his pen repeatedly. Matt was sitting on the floor playing with his army men, making annoying sounds. But even with everything so normal, I felt so out of place. 

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