Chapter Three: We Where Pretty Much the Inappropriate Kids Bop.

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Character Photo- Jace


The noise slams in my ears repeatedly. I groan as I begin to wake up, pain shooting through my head as if I'd been ran over by a tractor. What the hell was that god awful sound threatening my sleep. And why was it getting louder and louder.

"Vegas Miranda Skies!" My fathers voice shoots through the door. Making me groan even louder. It was him. It was him who was making that shitty sound. Didn't he love me, why would he even dare wake me up like this.

As my eyes open, the sun light makes everything worst. Why hadn't I drawn my my blinds last night?

Oh right, because I was drunk off my ass.

Last nights party was anything but boring. After three beers and endless rounds of never have I ever, I had been drunk off my ass, granted, I haven't done much, but it was enough to empty half of my red plastic cup and send me into a blurry state.

After we where all pretty much gone from the world, we spent the rest of the night singing to bad pop songs with to many swears and dancing like rythemless idiots.

Yup, we where pretty much the inappropriate Kids Bop.

I honesty don't get why I had agreed to go to that party when I knew for a fact that I had to wake up in the morning. I mean there was no way I didn't know I was going to have a hang over, and with the first day of school starting, it was almost impossible for me to think of a way to make it through the day.


I roll over, stretching out my overly sore body, before walking over to my door and unlocking it, letting in the cause of my current head throb.

I look up at my father, dressed in proper suit in tie, he looks professional, that is until you look at his face, which is beat red along with his fist. Remembered how I said I was dead? Well this is the part where I die.

"I've been banging on you're door for the past twenty minute, Vegas. What the hell where you doing in there?" He asked, brushing past me and into my room. He randomly starts searching my closet and under my bed. What did he think I was doing in here? Riding a cow? And by cow I mean...well lets just hope you know what I mean.

I scratch my head, squinting against the blaring morning sun. Was the sun always that damn bright?

"I was sleeping dad, what else would I be doing at," I take a quick glance at the clock on my bed side table. "seven fifteen in the morning."

When he is done inspecting my room for stow aways, he turns to face me, running his fingers through his neat hair.

I didn't look like my dad like Matt had. Instead I was the opposite, with my dads dark hair and my mothers facial features. I had my mothers plump pink lips, slightly pointed nose and blue eyes. One thing my mom wasn't, was ugly. I mean she was perfection at her best. She has a perfect flawless face, with not a wrinkle in sight. So my looks is something I have to give her the slightest credit for.

"Vegas, just because you're named after sin city, doesn't mean you have to live that kind of life style. Sneaking out last night was totally out of line, and now look at you, you look like you've been ran over by a tractor."

Well thanks dad, good to know your little princess is so beautiful.

I rake my fingers through my hair, nodding at my fathers word. I knew sneaking out last night would make my dad mad, but hell I was just trying to have some fun. I wasn't a bad kind, I never have been, but sometimes every good kid has to have a bad moment.

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