Chapter Six: Don't Let your Hormones make you a Whoremone

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This is dedicated to JessGirl93 for inspire me to write this story. Yes I think they have some similarities but I think they are both VERY different. If you haven't PLEASE go check out her story 'The Bad Boys Girl.' If you haven't already. OKAY ON TO THE STORY !!!  


It's been a week I have been staying at Kayla's house under strict rules that I go unseen. Kayla's mom and dad loved me, yea, but if they found I was here without my parents knowing, they would kill me faster  

then I could say 'see ya'.

My dad came past a couple times, asking for me, but every time they wold always say they haven't seen me and well that was true, they haven't, and as long as I could keep it that way, I would be okay.

I took a deep breath as I looked up to the pink settle sky. When I was thirteen, I remembered coming out to a spot on the beach where nobody came. It was farther away from the attraction of everything, and for me it was just some where I could relax. No crazy family, no friends to tell me everything was going to be okay, just me and my thoughts.

And I wasn't always sure that was a good idea.

My first week back had been pretty eventful shall I say. I saw my best friend for the first time in years. Found out she was having a down low fuck season with my cousin, which I still didn't mind. I left my house, my dad was worried sick, I missed my brother dearly, and lets not forget Jace, who has been getting on my last nerve since our, not so date, date.

It was like the guy was trying to make me crazy. When I would see him, he wouldn't so much as look in my direction. Either he was with slutty hannah, or Kenny and Kendall or some other guys who he would talk spanish with. And when I was ignoring him, he would walk up to me and try to hold a conversation. It was like we where playing an endless game of doge ball, and at this point I just wanted to be out.

At this point, Kayla was the only person who was even remotely normal in my life, and not even she was completely herself. Since she told me about her and Kenny, she would go over to him place a lot more, leaving me alone in her room to watch movies and read magazines that i've read over twelve times. Don't get me wrong, I was happy for her and her little fucked up relationship, but what about me you know?

Wile she had Kenny to keep her company in every way that I didn't want to imagine, I was sitting in her room like a bump on a log, trying to figure out my life in little bits and pieces. If I should go home and face the shitty music, or if I should just continue to be unseen and ignored at Kayla's house.

Well Vegas, isn't your life just a banana split with the fucking cherry on top.

I leaned my head on my knees and let out a deep groan.

"Well, if it isn't the lost girl." A voice I recognized said. I looked up to see Jace, hands in his pocket as he looked down on me. As if I wasn't already having a bad day, you throw Jace on top of it and make it shit.

"Yea, I'm thinking of calling Peter Pan and asking to join his clan, but you know, its hard to get in touch with those guys if you're names not Wendy."

He breathed a laugh before taking a seat on the sand next to me and looking up at the pink sky. The sun would set soon, and then it would be dark, and I would have to figure out where in fact I was going tonight. But now wasn't the time to worry about that, now was the time to just look up and appreciate the sight.

"So, you ran away?" Jace asked, breaking the silence.



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