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hello everyone :) im back! A lot of shit has changed and I am very sorry for bein "afk" ive been put on multi meds n shit so everything has kinda went bleh ya know? Anyway IM ALSO SEVENTEEN NOWWW YAYAAY_________________________________________________________------------------------------------


i go to my phone crying and hang up the phone without saying anything, i then go to my room and lay down, staring up at the ceiling looking at the glowing stars i put up. Soon i pass out from exhaustion with tears still in my eyes."

The next day rolls buy, i hear knocking at my door. "M/N AWNSER THE DAMN DOOR ITS COLD AS SHIT" still in my clothes from yesterday i walk out of my room seeing all the damage i did. I walk over to the door unlocking it, then opening. Kam storms in ranting about some lady stepping on his shoe. "So i told her to back off, like dumb bitch got my shit dir- m/n, um what the fuck happened" he looks over to me seeing my distressed state "are you okay babe? What happened" he pulls me close hugging me

"He came back" I say in a soft voice, putting my face in kam's chest letting everything was away.
Kam has always been my getaway to anyone and anything negative, hes been there before i could even remember. He pulls back holding my head in his hands, "baby listen to me, he won't hurt you trust me, now cmon lets get this place and you cleaned up yeah?" I nod at his words walking over to the couch.

"Ima put on some music okay? We can listen to whatever you want. Hows that sound?" He asks me, picking up a speaker. "Can we listen to SB? Its been awhile since I've listened to them" i say grabbing a bunch of records i had thrown. Kam nods setting up the speaker and music.
The next couple of days i was out of it, Kam stayed over and make me food anytime i was hungry. My phone hasn't been checked or charged since what happened. I decided to find it and plug it in.

Kam left a couple of hours ago for his job, i then heard a ding from my phone indicating it was charged enough to go on. Turning it on i see so many notifications from the boys and instagram, i click on insta first going to the comments on my recent post.

Nothing out of the ordinary other then people being worried since I haven't posted in a bit, whatever. I then exit out of the app going to messages.

I sit down on my bed hunched over waiting for it to load, "oh god theres so many" i say to myself, clicking on the group chat i find a bunch of random chatter, i exit out of it to see jungkook texted me.

"Hey, i just wanted to see if you were okay? I heard what had happen and got super worried. I told everyone that you had school shit to do so they wouldn't ask for much. Please text me as soon as you see this we miss you!"

I stare at the text for a bit contemplating if i should reply, i choose that i should.

Hey kookie! Im okay, thank you for not telling them what happened it means a lot to me!  Are we still on for me to come over ? I would love to see all of you again!"

Waiting for a response i decide to take a nap.

GRAH 605 words<3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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