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I have a really bad headache right now so it might be a short chapter💜
A little bit of smuttys ;)


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5,972 likes 6,836 views

Cant wait to see the boysssss!!!
And again kamie thank you sooo much bb @official_kam


@randsom.person: I canttt wait eitherrrrr.

@official_kam: what did I tell you about the kamie shitttt :(

@officail_M/N: oops @official_kam

@daddy.1996: damn you look hot ;) can't wait to see you.

TiMe sKip

"M/NNNN pleasee" "No, it's disgusting. Plus even if I do, it's not like they'll care, and it hurts everytime I'm sitting down. So thats a final no." "M/N it's only for the backstage pleaseee just wear it. And I thought you had a pain kink" He pouts

"Kam, I'm not putting a but plug up my ass. Got it? I don't care if my mother is dying, I'm not wearing it out in public that's final"

Time skip

"Kam I fucking hate you so fucking much" I glare. If your wondering if I have the but plug up my ass, the answer is yes, yes I do. Why? Because Kam promised me ice cream, and I never say no to ice cream.

"I'm suree you do m/n anywho let's get into line before it's to long"

(Another time skip after the concert cuz I can)

"I swear Jimin looked at me and winked." The girl next to me is so fucking annoying, I swear I'm going to choke her. "M/N you ready to go backstage?" I look back at Kam and nod "yeah, I just don't see why they do it after the concert. The boys will be tired and sweaty, also my ass hurtsss." By the time I'm done talking we are backstage.

"Hey, can I see your passes to be back here?" I hand the buff looking dude the pass "what about the other one?" "Oh he doesn't have one, he just wanted to walk me back here" The guard just rolls his eyes.

"M/N call or text me when you want to go home. And don't forget" He leans in "wear protection" He smirks and walks away, I roll my eyes and flip him off, he just laughs. "Let's go, we don't have all day." The guard starts walking "okay I don't know what got your panties in a twist but you need to be a little nicer." I pass him and keep walking till we reach a door.

"Whatever twink, just knock and go in. You know how to do that right? Or should I help" I glare at him. "Excuse me mister but how bout you pull that dick out of your ass and go cry to your mommy" I flip him off and turn to the door to knock.

After a couple seconds the door opens and I see taehyung shirtless. "Hey M/N why are you here? Come in." He opens the door a little wider to let me in. "My friend got a backstage pass for me and welll yeah. Here I am" I smile up at his face. I swear I saw him look at my lips.

"Boys look who's here" I wave as they look up, Jimin comes running to hug me. "M/NNN we missed you" Jimin says hugging me harder "t-thanks but i-i can't b-breath" "Oh sorry" He let's go and blushes. "Why do you sit down while we finish getting dressed?" "Wha-oh um y-yeah sorry"

I just realize they are all shirtless, except Jungkook. I go over to the couch and slowly sit down to make sure my ass doesn't hurt. "M/N you okay? Your sitting weird" I look up and see the boys now dressed "y-yeah I'm f-fine I just l-like sitting like this."

"Ahh okay" Jimin sits next to me. "Can I lay on you? I'm just really tired" "Uh y-yeah sure" He puts his feet up on my lap making me sit normally. I start squirming because the plug is hitting my prostate.

"M/N are you sure your okay" "Y-yeah I ammhm" I shove Jimin feet off me and stand up. "I-is there a b-bathtoom here?" "Yeah but it's in a different building, and we aren't allowed out yet. Are you positive that your okay?" Jungkook ask

"Fu-y-yeah I'm okaymhmm" I feel myself getting hard. I quickly sit back down and put a pillow over my part. "M/N you don't look good, your really sweaty and hot. Are you sure your okay" Jin hyung asks putting a hand on my shoulder. "Y-yeah i-i am fine hnmmm" I whine, my face red as jinie puts pressure on my shoulder making me sit on the plug even deeper.

I look at the boys seeing Yoongi and Jungkook whispering to each other smirking. "F-fuckk" I whine even more when Jin hyung lifts me up in his arms. I bite my lip holding back a moan as Jin accidentally hits the plug to hit my prostate.

"M/N I want you to take off your shirt so I can dab water on you, Is that okay?" "Y-yeah that's fine Mhm" He sets me down on a table and I take off my shirt.
Oop cliff hanger, very mean of Me ;)
I'm going back to school on Monday so I'm happy about that. 923 words

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