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A flower, most people treat them as something that will crumble when touched.

Like a human.

A ghost, something that doesn't allow itself to be shown.

Like what some people believe to hide their true self.

This flower, it blows it's petals through the wind with people trying to reach it. But try as they might, it shall never be touched.

Unless it's willing. Only to the right people. It has a reason for this fate, to not allow the human to fall like they did.

To die.

But there is a few rules to choosing a human to trust their sight to.

1. You are not supposed to interfere with human fights. If so do not do it often.

2. If the human you choose dies, you die. No second chances.

3. Do not show yourself to another human, it is a broke in loyalty and result in disappearing.

And the final one, it overruled the others which will result in a painful death.

4. Never, mutter the words 'I love you.'
A ghost who took their own life, did not love themselves therefore do not deserve love.


This story will mention topics some people may find difficult to read. So, in the places where it gets extreme my stars (*) will be there to guide you.

These topics will be;

Depression, mentions of suicide, self harm and death.

This story will be something I have never tackled as I know how hard it may be for some people to read. So I don't expect a lot to read this. But, it's sometimes the scars on us that makes us stronger. It made me stronger. 

Remember, you're never alone in this world. There is always someone there for you no matter what. My messages are always open for anyone. I love you all.

A Delicate TouchWhere stories live. Discover now