Chapter 1, Seto Kaiba...

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"Son you have screwed up again! How can I trust my company to a snot nose brat like you!!!" a man yelled at his teenage son.

This young man, Seto Kaiba, has almost the whole world placed on his shoulders. And he didn't want it.

To see his classmates all having fun, to see then gathering and going for dates. It was hard for him.

Ever since he was young he was never allowed a easy childhood and now aging into the teen years life wasn't getting easier.

His father, was determined to get him ready to run a company that basically ran the world. But the preparation wasn't going easy at all.

If he didn't get some paper work done, he was told to be unproductive. If he didn't appear at a meeting, he was told he was a coward.

If he smiled liked a normal teenage boy, he would be shunned for showing emotions.

A person has their breaking point, and one more screw up would be Seto's point.

"I-I'm sorry father, it was late when I finished typing and my spell check was mal-"

"Does my face look like it care?" he father barked making his head duck. "I don't know why I trust you. Maybe Mokuba can do better."

"No please!" Seto cried and held his father sleeve. "He has his whole childhood ahead of him, please just trust me!!"

Doing this, would shatter any innocence his younger brother was able to hold on to. He couldn't let it happen.

His father let out massive sigh, stepping out the car he was driving to their next meeting.

"One, one more chance. You screw this one up, you're gone. Not just with my company, but out my family all together," he father demanded.

Seto was on the edge of wanting to break down, but last time he did in front of his father resulted in a back hand slap to him.

The mark had only just gone.

He nodded his head fast as they walked to the door of the building. A strong gust of wind blew, making Seto's jacket and hair flow with it.

Amongst that wind, with some dust if course, were pieces of a dandelion floating. Seto didn't think much of it, until one stopped at his nose.

He didn't swat it, something felt weird with this. Not much time was given to think before it was blown away once again, leaving the teen to look and wonder what just happened.

"Seto!!!! Don't thin my patience more than you already have!!!" his father called out. Seto shook his head as he rushed to meet his side and walk in.

The whole building was radio silent, not a single happy face was to be seen. Only people who had a straight line imprinted on them sat at the desks.

What was more intoxicating was the elevator ride up, being in such a cramped space with someone who hates you ate at Seto.

They stepped out meeting one of the only men to rival them.

"Ah! There's my Kaiba boy!!" the man exclaimed. He was very friendly towards Seto's father, but had never met the younger. "And oh! You've brought Junior!!"

"My name is Set-"

"Yes, my *ahem* son is here to learn to be a better son at running a company. He has a lot to learn," Seto's father called out trying to stand proud. Meanwhile Seto had his head down low. "Can you fetch us some drinks son? Being a gentleman is key in business."

Seto, not wanting to speak up, walked away to find what is it people drank around there. Turns out only water. So he took two cups and made his way back, seeing a younger person talking. He was in a white suit, looked like he already ran a business. 

He turned to Seto and smirked, walked over to him with a massive grin. It looked like he was going to walk past, but he stuck his foot out and tripped Seto making him spill the drinks. All over his father and the other guy. If this was an animation, steams would be coming from his fathers head.

"You....had better start house hunting young man," his father barked while turning. "Cause you are no longer my failure of a son!!!"

He went to hit Seto, but this time Seto made a run for it. He ran out the building, out throughout the crowd and to a massive field that looked like it lasts forever. He flopped onto the ground and fianlly let the tears roll.

No one was around to see his weakness fianlly show. He family didn't appearicate him, the amount of pressure put onto him with all the expectations. Then, when he fails being told he is not worth it. What was he supposed to do. His mind was racing with all sorts of ideas, one was to run away and change his imag. Take his brother far away so he doesn't have to suffer. 

Yeah, yeah he can turn this around!!

The wind moved at a fast pace pushing Seto to lie on the ground from the force, a lot of petals flying through the air. From different petals, to even from the white dandelions fly through the air. 

Seto couldn't help but to raise his hand feeling them fly by, but one looked different. That one, landed on him. It felt warm, the warmth he never felt from anything else. He gently wrapped his hand around it and brough it down to his chest. This felt the same. Loneliness.

It flew out of his hands and he didn't know why, but he chased after it. It flew and mixed with others, until it landed on a hill. A white mist started to glow around it, something started to forge in it. It was so bright, that Seto had to shiled his eyes. 

Giving it a few moments and the glow disappeared so he moved his eyes. And saw a boy standing there, around about the same ageof him surrounded by petals.

"Eyy, I know that feeling all too well. Loneliness is what causes a lot of deaths to humans," the boy said out loud and looked to Seto with somewhat of a sad smile. "Yo."

This.... will be something new I try out. I'm excited for the end of this already as I have it planned!! I hope that although with all I have planned for this story it doesn't make too sad.

But puppyshipping will be the main focus of this story, of course I will have other ships in here. I did have another story that was going to be puppyshipping but I lost the drive with that completely.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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