When they are sick

525 13 7

-Requested by @NanatsuNoTaizai_Fan-

-Wants you to spoon feed him
-"Y/n my head hurts poit. Can you maybe stay here and we can hug?"
-Wants all his stuffed animals to be there with him
-Sleeps curled in a ball holding onto you

-Insists she's fine at first and keeps working but you convince her to rest
-"Achoo! My nose ow, y/n can you put on our favorite movie"
-You spoon feed her the medicine she needs
-Falls asleep all snuggled into you

-You make him his favorite soup
-"Y/n! How can I lay in bed when I have a whole world to take over?!", "Now Brain lay down and rest I can assure you the world will still be here by the time you heal", you say wrapping him in a blanket
-He gets lonely and wants you to watch tv with him to distract him from wanting to take over the world
-Falls asleep with his head on your arm

Hello!! i'm working on a Brain x reader to post after this!!

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