Chapter 3. What if

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First of all I want to tell you sorry it took so long for me to continue the story..But I am back on track ! :D

Sorry it is not a long chapter but I wanted to upload what I had written in the mean time so you could all continue reading.

Enjoy reading!

Harry POV

I went upstairs to the Gryffindor common room and I looked up at the clock. It would be a long long day. First I was sent out of the classroom because I wasn’t paying attention and well.. now I was here.. Actually doing nothing much just staring in the distance and wondering what I would do with all my spare time. Lunch would be at 14.00 and now it was only 9.30. What I hated most is that Snape know that I suck at making potions and that he is punishing me for not being able to. That irritating git is just so mean and he surely is doing it on purpose. I mean.. there are a lot of students in the classroom who can’t brew a potion well and they also aren’t sent out  from the classroom.

I still got plenty time to bore myself. I was fed up and felt tired of just doing nothing. Studying was no option because most of the subjects I need Hermoine’s help. I wish I had only 10% of what she could do. I am sure if I only had so many of her intelligent I also could get a good mark. I decided to just lay on my bed for a moment. I was cold and went underneath  the blankets. Hmm nice and warm. The tension vanished an I felt my body getting relaxed  again. Maybe it wasn’t such a big deal being dropped out of the classroom. Now I can finally get some relaxing time for myself, I thought inside.
I closed my eyes and let go of all the tension in my body. As I was finally totally relaxed I heard a voice. I opened my eyes and was listening very closely at this voice. It was smooth and velvet. Not just “a” voice.. it was HIS voice.. the voice of SNAPE.. INSIDE MY HEAD!!
Ohh dear Merlin could it ever stop?!
Why?? Why did I hear him? Why was he in my head? I tried not to think about it and closed my eyes again. After a few minutes I could still hear his voice. I decided to listen to the voice, because I actually didn’t listen to it before. As I was listening closely, it wasn’t so bad at all. I was surprised by myself that I didn’t bother his voice as I was instead enjoying is voice. It sounds so calm and so “thick”. For some reason I found myself relaxing again because of his voice in my head. Now I was thinking about it.. it sounds a bit of nice.. no .. more than nice.. well I don’t know how to say this but I was getting hot for his voice. I reaaally enjoyed listening to that voice.. gosh this is such a problem. What do i do when I have detention tonight?! I can’t get a boner there... he would notice.. and me with red cheeks.. No no no.. just act like there is nothing going on and NO I am not getting the hots for his voice let alone because of him!

Snape POV

I was still sitting here in the classroom watching how all of the students were brewing there potions.
Well not all of the students.. everyone beside one specific student. Harry Potter. I was harsh. But that is just the way I am and the way I have to be at the Head of the Slytherin House. The students had their instructions and were busy brewing. All I could do is just sit here to wait when the students are done with their potions and I would look at it and judge them on their skills. I took a book in the shell and started reading. It was a book about uncommon potions and how to brew them and what unique ingredients you have to use. Because I always found making potions interesting I like to read more and more about it. It is just so fascinating how you turn some plants and other stuff into a potion what can do so much! As I was reading suddenly I was thinking about Potter. What was he doing now? Would he be angry, upset, sad or just happy not to have see me right now.. Why all of a sudden I was thinking about him? Would I even care? No, definitely not! But for some reason I couldn’t get this image of him out of my mind. Did I really saw a him inside my head? What is wrong with me!?
Okay.. I need to think straight..Do I care about him? No. Do I have anything in common with him? Definitely a NO! But gosh why is he still here.. in my head? I do not want this to happen. I didn’t ask for anything like this. But as I was being rational the image still did not go away. I saw him. His dark brown hair.. looks so soft for a reason even though I don’t know. I never touched him or anything!
And his shiny emerald green eyes. Just like his mother..Lily..He really looked like her.
Those beautiful eyes just there full  with energy and motivation. Just stunning. If I think about it. The boy is actually not a boy anymore. Because of the Quidditch he actually became more muscular and  he was growing. He was a lot taller now. I could even say he is attractive but.. for me.. his most hated professor and person in the whole world..he would not want me that way. He probably would not want me as person who exist. So the only way to find it out is..not possible.


Harry went to the Great Hall and had some diner with his friends. The Hall was full of students and even though it was crowdie he felt eyes on him again. This time he just ignored it and talked with his friends and not giving any attention at who it was or could be. His friends were annoying sometimes. They just had a perfect life. They had parents who cared about them. They could go to school and be well better at the subjects as he does. And they were safe at school. All the things they were and had.

After half a hour eating and chatting with his mates Harry told them he had a detention with who else than Snape. Oh how lovely... not.
With a double feeling he went to Snape’s office. He held his breath and it took him some minutes to relax before knocking and entering the office. *knock* *knock*. A few seconds later he heard a voice. “Come in.” He heard from the other side of the door and Harry opened the door and stepped inside. Holy shit..Snape who was gazing at him legs crossed and just staring at him like he was something to be stared at. “What are you standing there in the doorstep?”, “close the door and come over here”, Snape said with a stern voice.

Harry POV
Gosh, I felt so nervous for some reason and it took me a few minutes to relax a bit before I knocked on the door and entered when I heard Snape saying I may come in. I could really recognize this is his office. The way it was messy on the desk. A lot of papers still had to be checked and still the clean area. I was shocked  to see  how casual he looked and was just sitting there behind his desk leaning against the back of the chair he was sitting at. Gazing at me with his observing eyes. Looking at me from head to toe. He was not wearing his robes today in detention. Just a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I looked at him still without moving and just looking at him. He looked nice in those casual clothes. So different than I was used to. He was a bit muscular but not over the top. Just right.

“Well are you planning on spending your detention just staring around the room and just standing there? I hope not, because that would mean another detention for you and another hour spilled for me.” “Well not exactly sir.. but I was just distracted. You’re I mean your office.. it is nice Harry said with blushed cheeks. Snape stood up and walked towards Harry. So.. follow me if you will. 


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