Chapter 5. The visit

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Harry POV

I woke up at the hospital ward. How did I came here and what day is it? I saw I didn't wore a shirt or something. Just my bare chest and luckily I still had my pants on. The light was shining over my bed and I looked outside the window. It was a sunny day. Madam Pomfrey was walking towards me and asked how I was doing. In a reflex I pulled the blanket over my chest. "Well my dear you don't have to be shy in front of me, she chuckled. Actually I didn't know how I felt. Why am I here in the first place? "Madam Pomfrey, may I ask something?", I asked. " Of course, what is it Potter?", she said. I asked her why and how I ended up here and also what day it was. "Well..i heard yesterday evening".. Suddenly the door slammed open and Madam Pomfrey turned her head to see who it was. She was at the end of my bed and my curtains were closed so I couldn't see who was coming in. All of a sudden I heard a familiar voice. "I have to speak the boy. " Of course he is right here, Madam Pomfrey said to the person with the familiar voice and walked away. Before I knew it Snape was standing at the same spot Pomfrey was standing just a moment ago.
He was just standing there looking at me without saying a thing. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze. I shifted a bit in my bed and held the blanket high pulled tight to my chest which was beating so fast at this moment. I couldn't look him in the eye anymore and I looked away from his gaze. I felt my cheeks turning red and a bit hot. "How are you feeling?", Snape suddenly asked. I looked at him again but the words didn't came out my mouth, the only thing I could do was just looking him in the eye.

Snape POV

Three days have passed and I still couldn't forget about Potter. I don't like to admit but maybe I was just a little bit concerned about him. I just couldn't find him in the dining hall and he wasn't with his friends those days. I overheard a conversation between Weasly and Granger. He was at the Hospital ward. His friends wouldn't visit him, because they had just the regular schooldays and their homework. So even if they would like to visit the boy, there are visiting hours. And with their schedules they wouldn't make it on time. Expect from those 2 there wouldn't be anyone who would visit him. My lesson today will start later this day so I could visit him right now. I checked the corridors.. it was safe. A few minutes later I stood before a closed door. Breathe ..breathe.. come on Severus you are just visiting an ill student, its nothing special. Nothing special..except we aren't talking about any student..its Harry Potter we are talking about. I couldn't stand there just like a creep. I had to get in right NOW. I slammed the door open and I saw Pomfrey looking at me. " I have to speak the boy", I said as relaxed as I could. She let me see the boy and before I knew it I was standing at the end of his bed. I didn't know what I should say and just looked at him. I wasn't exactly the first person Potter would expect. And Potter wasn't the person I expected myself to visit. I noticed a few things. The boy wasn't wearing a shirt and held his blankets against his chest to cover up his naked upper body. His shoulders and arms were muscular. He nervously looked at me and shifted in his bed uncomfortably. God please Snape just say something... I could see him getting more uncomfortable every second. "How are you feeling?", I asked. Well I could guess very uncomfortable if your most hated teacher visit you in the hospital ward when you just woke up and sitting in your bed covering your naked upper body for your teacher.
Suddenly Potter spoke softly "I don't know Professor". I looked at him and took a few steps closer.
It doesn't matter Potter.
Sometimes people don't know how they feel, even I don't know I added almost whispering. Potter looked at me in shock. "P-professor you don't?". I don't what?, I thought to myself. I was quiet for a moment. Could it be he heard what I said at the end of that sentence? I cleared my throat. Well Potter get well soon. And with that I left the ward.


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