Chapter 4. The potion

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Snape POV

I heard a knock on my door and I knew it was Potter. Who else would it be at this time. I went to my chair and laid back. I could feel the boy was nerves. Well actually so am I. No what am I saying. I am not nerves. I am just...curious?! What would Potter do when he entered my rooms. When he had a full hour with no other than ME! I chuckled inside for my little evil thoughts. I forgot to answer the door and let Potter in.

Ah the boy is here. Looking innocent and confused maybe?! "What are you standing there in the doorstep?". "Close the door and come over here".
I just waited till he was back to reality. Actually it was a little bit funny to see Potter like this. Looking around the room quietly. Just like a little kitten who had to get used to its new environment. But no a kitten is much cuter than Potter .Potter.. he looked good today..actually very good. What am I thinking?! I just have to be myself just the me I am meant to be like always.
"Well..are you planning on spending you detention just staring around the room and just standing there?". "I hope not because that would mean another detention for you and another hour spilled for me. Maybe Potter like it to be in a detention with me. NO that's not possible. I can find it out very soon. "So...follow me please" I said while I walked towards Potter. Lets see how he will react after he find out what I am planning to do with him.

Harry POV

My heart was beating so fast. I actually don't know what to expect right now. I followed Snape. He looked a bit different and I don't mean his clothes only but also his ...behavior?!
Well maybe I am thinking to much. Snape will never ever EVER change. It's probably all in my head.
We entered another room. It was small and cold. There were a lot of potions in bottles and I smelled a mix of different spices. "Today we are going to make a potion. It's a new potion and it's very healthy" Snape said. I asked him what kind of potion it was we were about to make. Snape only said it was good for my health. So I think that's alright.

We used a lot of ingredients I never saw before. The color was different from what I expect a healthy potion would be, but Snape is a potion master so he sure know what he is doing. Maybe this is the perfect time to start trusting him a little bit I thought inside myself. After a little while the potion was finished and I started to freeze from the cold. So I am so glad it's finally over. I looked up at Snape and asked him what I had to do know. He looked at me and with a little smirk "drink it" he said as he was reaching the potion to me.

Snape POV 

I just had a brilliant idea. Brewing a "truth-telling-potion". This way I know what is going on in his mind and that would be very nice. Only I would know what's really going on in the mind of The Boy Who Lived. Only I can use his mind to do whatever I want him to do. As I gave Potter the instructions and ingredients to brew this special potion I created once, he suddenly asked me what this potions use is. Well of course I couldn't tell him the truth right now, but he will know when he can't have the control over it. So I have to give him no reason to suspect me right now. Of course he wouldn't know the ingredients and this color is very rare for a common potion. But he didn't ask about anything in particular so that's alright. Everything is going according to plan. 

After a while Potter finished the potions. Finally it's time to know more about this young intelligent handsome young man. Innocently he asked polite what he had to do now. Oh he would not know anything he shall do for me in the future I thought inside. "Drink it" I said. With a little bit of hesitation he took the potion and as I watched how he drank all of it in one time, my curiosity grew inside..


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