A new chapter

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Harry's POV

As they were walking through the long dark corridors in silence, Potter could only hear his heartbeat and the sound their soles made on the floor. Tap..tap.. tap..like his own heartbeat ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum. He didn't know what to do, what to expect what the idea of professor Dumbledore was and in what GOOD way this would help him recover from everything. This situation will only bring so much more stress and tension and not to forget.. alone with Snape in his own chamber. Away from his friends, away from all of live...he isn't loved by the man even the dumbest person would know that.

He could do f*cking anything with him, Harry thought by himself. But well..f*cking everything... probably not that.. "Potter!", Snape snapped him back in reality and they were standing in front of the chambers door. "For god sake, are you coming in of not?' Snape asked. It wasn't exactly a question, because Harry didn't have a choice. He thought in himself would I come in if I could choose between being near him or in my bed in the dormitory with the others?... Yes! I am coming Sir, he said with an active voice maybe a little bit overenthusiastic.. And there he goes. Entering the Master's Chamber. 

Snape's POV
What an unusual situation, Snape thought in himself as they were walking through the long cold empty corridors. He needed to be calm and stay as calm as possible. In the end, he was the adult here and not a stupid confused teenage boy like, well we know like who. Snape looked so calm, one of the things he masters, but on the inside.. He never let anybody in his chambers, had a relationship let alone live together so he didn't know what to do in this situation.

What am I supposed to do if Potter doesn't feel comfortable, how do I react? What if I don't feel comfortable, I can't escape my own chamber.. oh god how will this new chapter work out for both of us? Think, think, now. Just react like you normally do. It's nothing special, just do your own thing and let him do his things. Just taking care of an ill person making potions to make him strong and healthy enough and before you know everything is back at normal.

They were standing in front of the Snape's chamber and there was no way back for those few weeks until Potter's strength and health are back. Snape felt his hand shaking inside his pocket searching for the keys. He opened the heavy creaky door with a soft groan and looked behind at the boy.
Harry was zoned out and looked at the floor. You could see his thoughts had descended.
Hell what will become of them. "For God sake, are you coming in or not?', Snape asked even though it wasn't really a question. None of them wanted this situation but what choice did they have? Or DID they have a choice in all of this...

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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