Chapter 2. Feelings

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Harry POV

After a while laying down on my bed I decided to get up pack my bag and get my ass up at that horrible subject. With a headache I made my way down to class. My head was still aching but I had to go, because otherwise I will be in trouble with Snape. 

On my way I met Hermione and Ron. "How are you doing Harry" Hermione ask with that tone of her always so protectively. I know it is sweet of her, but sometimes.. I don't need a mum all the time like her at my school periods. I just want a friend not a second mother my age.
We walked into the classroom, the three of us. A second later Snape, that greasy git, stormed in the classroom. As always looking so eerie. I always get goose bumps all over me. Snape turned around and faced the class. I don't know what it was, but every time I see him it looks like something is changed in him. I mean well.. he is still frightening, but well whatever. I can't explain. Anyway something is changed about him. Even though I can't lay my finger on it. 

He was talking and giving instructions about our new potion we have to brew. I didn't have the energy to do anything and I watched as everyone taking notes.  I can't do anything good in his eyes. And potions wasn't my best subject, actually it is my worst.
I still had a headache and I couldn't concentrate well. I was sitting in the back of the classroom and everyone was busy brewing their potions. How I wish I could concentrate right now and make good potions...

I lay my head at the table in front of me and just when I almost fell asleep I heard a voice behind me. I jumped up by hearing that voice as I heard him talking to me. "Mr. Potter, if you think you can waste my precious time by sleeping at the table and doing absolutely nothing useful, I suggest you to leave this class and come back later in the evening in DETENTION with ME! I looked at him in shock. I didn't hear him coming even though I was awake. Jeez..that got me. I looked at him  and I wanted to shout out loud saying how much I hate him, how unfair. How stupid he was and how I hate this subject. Also I wanted to say I absolutely suck at making potions and that it wasn't even worth my time being here, because I can't even do anything. But at the end.. I was just gazing at him all this time, without even saying a single word.

"Cat got your tongue, Potter?" Snape sneered at me. Still I didn't say anything. "Good, I see you at 8 p.m at my chambers. Now pack your stuff and don't come back in this class till next time".

With a sigh I packed my bags and left the room. Oh gosh I really didn't want to go to detention tonight with HIM! Once a day is more than enough of terror for me.. for everyone I think. Suddenly I thought about Snape. What does he wear underneath that long black robe of him. I didn't want to think about it but that same feeling like I had this morning, it came back. And now I even had to go to detention tonight when I was feeling this..feeling.. and it was weird. Something was not right with me. And it hit me.. And it is al his fault...Uhhg just let this day pass by as fast as possible. 

Snape POV 
As I stormed into the classroom I started my lesson. I made some instructions about making the potions the class had to brew. As I watched the class taking over the notes I wrote at the blackboard  I saw there, in the back of the classroom him  not doing anything at all. 

First I let it past and watched the boy without he noticing me. I watched what he was doing and mostly at was he didn't do to be honest. He just sat there staring outside the window which was at the boys  left. After a good  20 minutes doing nothing I saw him resting his head upon the table. He closed his eyes for a while and it didn't made me angry or anything at all. It did something with me, it made me calm inside. It was such a lovely sight of him there, resting and looking so peacefully. But no, this I cannot allow in my classroom. Nobody is allowed to know I don't mind this behaviour of the boy. Me as the head of the Slitherins House, what must they think about me?!

I quietly sneaked behind Potter and cleared my throat as I began to speak. ""Mr. Potter, if you think you can waste my precious time by sleeping at the table and doing absolutely nothing useful, I suggest you to leave this class and come back later in the evening in DETENTION with ME!".
I saw how shocked he was.
Offcourse he was shocked, he was sleeping and the last person he wanted to saw when waking up was me. He didn't say a thing, he was just gazing at me. And I felt he was thinking about a lot of excuses he could use for this situation but nothing came out his mouth.
"Cat caught your tongue, Potter?" Still the boy didn't say a thing.  I couldn't let this perfectly opportunity pass me and gave him detention at that moment.

I didn't know what was wrong with me but after this morning seeing him in the Great Hall and just jet watch him sleep there in the back of the classroom.. I couldn't say it out loud but the boy wasn't exactly a boy anymore. He was a young man. And even though I don't like to admit it. He wasn't looking too bad. As I saw this young man in front of me still gazing at me.. I couldn't handle the tension anymore. "Good, I see you at 8 a.m at my chambers. Now pack your stuff and don't come back in this class till next time".

And for some reason I was looking forward to the detention with Potter tonight, even though it may sound weird. 

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