Who Are You?

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Ouch, the warriors had thrown him roughly into the soul biome. He couldn't even pass through the nether fortress to his impending doom. Hey at least he was still alive, he wasn't thrown to lava. It was still far away from his home. Farther than he'd ever gone. He was starting to wonder, farther away from his old place of residence. He saw a weird purple glow around the corner, and an unusual yet familiar sound. What was the sound from, what was the sound. . . Oh it was the sound of someone mining netherack. With an efficiency V pick to be exact, what the kid could only read. He was once again letting his curiosity lead him, hopefully not to his demise. As he rounded the corner her saw a male dressed in unusual attire. Confused, Technoblade snorted, which was heard by the adult.
"What was that?" The adult started walking towards Technoblade with a drawn sword. A black shiny netherite sword. One that Technoblade was drawn to, he stepped out from the corner. As he had moved he was mesmerized by the powerful sword, moving closer and closer, he was almost able to reach out and touch it.

To say that Philza was confused is an understatement. He was just gathering netherack, he wasn't expecting a piglin this far from the biome. Not only was it a child piglin, but the piglin was also interested in his sword. A sword that was pure netherite and diamond, no gold why would a piglin be this attracted to gold? "Buddy you touch this, it could severely injure you." Phil warned. *Snort* Technoblade just moved closer, putting his hand on the side of the sword, where his hand would not be sliced. As he had fully rested his hand on the blade his eyes turned a darker yet brighter shade of red. They were almost glowing, giving Phil an eerie feeling. Next thing Phil knows, he is on the ground with the sword he was just holding in a toddlers hands. "The hell. . .? Give me back my sword!" Technoblade slowly moved his head towards the adult. He gave a slight shake, telling the gray-cloaked human no. "I'll take that as a no. . . But what if you tell me about yourself. Where are your parents?" Phil had a feeling he already knew.
Technoblade turned around on his heel, he pulled out his ink and began writing on the wall. He had little left but it'd make do. "Mother didn't want me, she wants me gone. . . Forever," Techno began tearing up as he wrote a small summary of what his mother had said, from reading he had gathered what english was and could understand it and write in it, that was as far as his knowledge went
. "Kid. . . Do you have a place to stay, a family you can got to?" The kid shook his head tightening his grip on the freshly sharpened sword. As Phil looked at the kid he saw tears streaming down his face, no matter how hard the kid had tried to keep them away. Phil felt sorry for the kid, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him into an embrace. "Hey it's to dangerous for you to stay here, wanna follow me? You'll have a family and a brother." Phil had his hand out as he stood up. Techno looked at the sword, looked at Phil, then back at the sword, "don't worry you can keep the sword, you can even name it when you get older." Phil mentioned at the end.

Techno put his hand into the older's and in turn they walked towards and through the portal. As they made it through the portal a kid not much older than Techno, about nine ran towards the portal to greet them. As he ran he slowed down to about a walk/slight jog as he noticed the piglin with a deadpan, tear streaked face. Phil started,"Will, I wish for you to meet your new brother, uh what's your name?"  *Snort* "Will can you get me pen and paper." The kid refered to as Will ran away and right back quickly. "Here you go, can you tell us your name?" Knowing he couldn't write 'Prince' as his title he began tearing up again. Eventually he managed to write his name down, "Technoblade." Phil was questioning the parents of this piglin but then he remembered that he was a piglin, they had some unusual names. "His name is Technoblade, but I'm sure we can call him Techno, right?" Technoblade nodded his head slightly to answer the older.  This was the pig's new life, the new way of things.

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