20 and Counting

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It'd been three years since he saw his brothers and adoptive father. So when he was invited to join a new world with his brothers he was proud of what'd he became and he'd show that although they had been scared due to uncontrollable strength they should be scared of the strategy and methodical strength. "Welcome to Pogtopia, Technoblade!" Wilbur was nervous but glad to have him on his side. Tommy was confident he'd win the war he was apart of because they had the famous Technoblade. "It's quite gray, can I farm potatoes anywhere? *Snort* " He needed to continue his obsession with potatoes to block the voices that roamed his head. "Uh yeah, right here." Tommy and Wilbur almost said in unison. You could tell they grew up together. When they believed Techno was gone they began whispering, "Wilbur what will happen if he gets a taste for blood?" Tommy inquired. "Simple Tommy, he'll be a force to wrecken with. And he'll be on our side." Wilbur maniacally laughed, "we'll be unstoppable!" Techno was worried for who had used to be his brother, after all they were friends at one point. *Disapproving Snort of remembrance* "Brothers why couldn't you just keep your mouths shut?"

As months passed Technoblade was informed of a force that couldn't be touched or harmed. A force by the name of Dream. Technoblade instantly knew the way they spoke about him was untrue, I mean Technoblade had killed Dream 6 times in a duel they were taken to perform in. 'The two best PVP Gods' or something like that. Besides that the character himself just seemed familiar, as if they'd met before, many many years before. "Dream is such an Asshole!!" Tommy would complain. "Nooo, my YouTube revenue, but anyways he is a great source of clout." Technoblade would reply, he didn't lie. To be real Technoblade was all for helping out this mysterious man with soo much power, he wanted the destruction of an entire government, it was the entire reason Technoblade joined Pogtopia in the first place after all, to cause chaos.

Technoblade had been up for 14 hours straight just farming potatoes, so when he began seeing illusions he wasn't to surprised. However when a flashback of a moment he believed was erased from his memories appeared, to say he was shocked would be an understatement. Remembering the boy that had inturn caused Technoblade to be kicked out of his home caused a great deal of gratitude. He wanted to know more of the boy he owed so much to. "I'll find you again. I promise." Wilbur was the one that broke Technoblade out of his trance. "Technoblade? How long have you been here?" Well crap, might as well not lie. "Uh I haven't logged off." Wilbur was in disbelief, "That is like 14 hours Technoblade!" Not knowing what to say he just agreed, "Uh yeah."

The next week Technoblade had wanted to become unbelievably rich. So he began to go netherite mining and just scavenging in the nether in the first place.

Author's Note: I'm not dead I promise just not the best mentally nor emotionally rn. I know this chapter is all over the place and soon I'll try to make it better. Again I apologise for being so inactive recently, hope you've enjoyed.

Forgotten Then Found {Sleepy Bois Inc}Where stories live. Discover now