Growing Up

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My new home, as Phil called it, was more fun than any time I ever had at the castle. It has only been a couple years and I have gotten a new brother. Phil walked him in through the door, the same thing that happened when I first joined this family, except this time the kid, by the name Tommy, can actually speak English. Speaking of English, Phil has been teaching me how to talk with the rest of them. Of course they all have a weird accent, then again I snort after most of my comments. (Author here: just a small head cannon of mine is that because Technoblade is originally piglin, he must have an accent. So I figured a snort would suffice. I'm sorry I just imagine his great speech just ending and beginning with a pig snort. "If you wanna be a a hero, Tommy, THEN DIE LIKE ONE *Snort*" I'm sorry back to the scheduled programming.) I mean, the language isn't hard to understand, besides with the made up words. What does Lmao even mean? Phil says it all the time, 'cept he spells it out. Anyways I've spent a total of three years here, I'm nine now and I already wield a sword better than most warriors at my old home.

It's past some more time, I can somewhat remember my old home, I remember the people from there and the memory of a sword to my throat everyday. To be honest the family that adopted me has been better than I could ever ask for. The one that goes by Wilbur really likes holding the guitar and singing. Me and him began writing a new song, I wonder what he'll do with it. Besides Wilbur writing songs and myself training with Dadza, Tommy has been wondering around the outside world, punching trees and pretending to be a great ruler. However whenever he gets close to being King of the Backyard, I ruin it all. I laugh above the chaos, no one man should have all the power. Even if it's just pretend we still have fun. You can always hear Dadza snicker in the back about me being an anarchist. Let's show him. I may act like a five year old at times but I'm finally 12, almost a teenager like Will.

As I've aged the voices that pluaged me when I was younger still continue to keep the act. They are so violent, so horrific. I'm not all that opposed to some of the options. Such as punching that kid that hurt Wilbur so hard he isn't able to speak for a weak. But plunging my sword into Tommy is too far, I could never hurt my family. "Techno are you okay?" Dadza will ask. All I can do is nod and try to ignore the voices. Recently they have started bombarding me with phrases that make me wish I'd done something differently or I had been dead rather than with them. I mean the family I have is too good for a physcotic 13 year old with homicidal and suicidal tendencies. Phil recently locked me in my room after I had hit Tommy to hard in one of our fist fights. Tommy was hanging over my shoulder just saying rude remarks such as how I'm not even human, or I'm too good with a sword and it'll never turn out well. "Tommy, I advise you to stop now while you still have your teeth," I said in a monotonous voice that stunned Tommy into silence. It didn't last long. "You can't do anything to me, PIG!" Tommy shouted into my ear. Once I heard the insulting way he said pig I quickly punched him in the face before he could react. "Blood. . . Blood. . . Blood for the Blood God!" The voices I grew up with bombarding my brain with their words, "He insulted you. . . A brother that betrays you? He is so rude, just make sure he never messes with you again!" Stop it, I try to tell them, Shut up. Why won't they just shut up. "He's at easy beating level, you won't even break a sweat! Just punch him again!" I must follow the order. . . I tackled my younger brother to the ground. I punched him once, they demanded more, I punched him again, they still demanded more, so I punched him in the face.
"What is going on here? Technoblade! Get off your brother!" Phil ran over to us shouting, "Will get the medkit and start cleaning up Tommy. I'll get Technoblade." He looked so mad, I messed it up here too. No no no no no. I rolled off of Tommy before Phil could get to me, already on my feet. "I'm s-" The end got caught off when dadza got closer. "To your room Technoblade. I'll be there in a minute, if your not there- just hope you are." Philza was so scary when he was mad. So I slowly walked by the angry father figure, expecting to be slapped, punched or hit, anything. But nothing came. He looked at me sadly when he saw me flinch, quickly losing his stern look.

Sitting silently in my room I await who I called my dad. *Knock Knock Knock* each knock had a moment of hesitation in-between. "Co-come. . . In," I sniffled trying to stop crying. As Phil slipped inside my room he ran to me as quick as he could, almost like he had soul speed boots on. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?" Phil asked. "Idk maybe because I just hurt someone I wasn't supposed to, I broke what could be considered a rule, aren't you going to do something?" I was baffled, he wasn't doing anything yet, what he said next was all the more shocking. "Techno, why did you do it? I know Tommy's story, now I wanna know your's," Phil was sitting beside me now. "I-" I don't know if I can trust him, wha-what if he throws me away like mother did? Suck it, "I hear these weird voices that insist on violence. They wish for death and blood! Dadza they won't shut up. They are never quite!" I was screaming, it feels relieving to tell Phill. "Hey hey, Techno, calm down calm down. What aggravated them to act out towards Tommy?" I just looked up at him, tears close to falling, "he called me a pig, yes that is what I am I know, but he said it in a such a disgusted way. Both Wilbur and Tommy think I'm disgusting. What's the point of fighting back the voices if either way they get me to the same spot. . . Alone!" Phil was taken aback, his mouth hung open, "Technoblade you are nothing like your biological family, as far as I'm concerned -- and you should be too -- we are your real family. Please don't forget that." He is just lieing to you, he's in your head. "Thanks Dadza, I won't." That was the first time my voices ever got out of hand. I'm not meant to have a nice place.

Soon I have to leave, just like Wilbur had. Phil sent me to my room after Wilbur and Tommy had decided to test my skill with a weapon rather than just my fists. They made the mistake of challenging me again -- they had seen what I'd done to Tommy with just a couple of punches, it's not my fault I gave them what they wished. I can still hear the cries from Wilbur and Tommy. Wilbur trying to pry me away from beating Tommy for a second time. "His eyes were blood red, glowing ominously Dadza, he wouldn't stop. . . He couldn't stop!" Wilbur was shouting with Phil. "Wilbur! Keep your voice down, his hearing is better than most. All of his senses are increased. You can't blame him either. You two asked for him to fight." Phil directed himself to speak to Wilbur. "Will, you remember how he was when you first met him, you were nine, and he was six. He was able to wield a sword almost as good as I could." Phil sounded like there was no way you could argue with him. Yet that didn't stop Will, "Phil he still acts as if he was still those horrid nether creatures!!" Wilbur shouted. I couldn't take it, was I just the same as the ones I was kicked away from? Was I a horrid nether creation? ". . .Will? He is not one of them. You know this. Do not correlate them. If he was one we'd all be dead or attacked by now. He hates gold and has no trading loot table....." Phil wasn't able to finish before Technoblade had stormed down the stairs and towards the door. While at the door he grabbed his blood red cloak and put a hand on the door knob, "if you all don't wish for me to be here, fine- I'll leave. Thanks for keeping me around this long, but you can't keep someone around who is like those 'horrid nether creatures' after all. Good bye. . ." Tears were streaming down his face as he left. Hearing the protests from within he continued on, making sure the next time they see him he'd be better than before, stronger than the voices in his head, stronger than his past training.

He left to the portal hub and found a new land of noobs and morons, a land named Hypixel.

Note: I started crying during this chapter. I kin Technoblade and so when I was making this so depressing I didn't even know if I'd be stable enough to post it. But here ya go for those that wanted angst. This chapter is almost 2000 words, Jesus Christ.

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